Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] by the time " in BNC.

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1 I was on my knees by the time we unpacked the sandwiches and tried to find the energy to chew , and I recall making small high-pitched squeaking noises in reply to any attempt at a chat .
2 The fastenings flew off my jodhpurs and there had wriggled their way round my knees by the time the pony pulled up .
3 I want a list on my desk by the time I get back . ’
4 At least five tragic scenarios had gone through my head by the time he told me that Dad had died .
5 But in Bangladesh boys are already producing more than they consume by the age of 10 and have repaid their parents ’ investment in their upbringing by the time they are 15 .
6 Leonora was suffering serious doubts about her sanity by the time the train drew in to Paddington Station the following Saturday evening .
7 If it had n't been for the triumphant glitter in his eyes she would have been lost ; as it was , he had pulled her zip down and was easing her dress from her shoulders by the time she 'd steeled herself to thrust hard against his shoulders with both hands and roll off the bed .
8 All three were sentenced to 25 years , although Martina Shanahan had served 200 days virtually of solitary confinement at Risley whilst on remand and was said to be losing her mind by the time the trial began .
9 The Lions have their best chance of winning a Test in this opening fixture as the All Blacks can be expected to hone their act by the time the Wellington and Auckland Tests come along in the final week of the tour .
10 That means they would already be exerting their influence by the time the microwave background was born .
11 She had regained her senses by the time she made her way back with his drink .
12 He then forced himself to get through the rest of the day without writing , so that the well would have replenished its juice by the time he took up his pencil again the next daybreak .
13 Having resolved never to let it happen again , she aims to provide not only for her retirement but for her daughter Gemma , aged ten , who with luck will be well settled into her career by the time Margaret 's DOUBLE PAYOUT policy matures .
14 Of the rest , some were already leaving Ottery to begin their careers by the time Coleridge 's own memories began , and he grew up in the schoolmaster 's house chiefly among the younger family members who remained .
15 The fact that most of them have already had their family by the time they commence the course is the most likely explanation .
16 The Coalisland — Dungannon march had given everyone a good day out and had used up a lot of their energy by the time the moment of confrontation arrived .
17 WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT ! he 's liable to lose half his teeth by the time he 's 40 because of Mouth Acid
18 And so it was that he gained his passport to that respectability which lay so easily on his shoulders by the time his picture was painted : he would be apprenticed .
19 He chuckled to himself as he drove , and had forgotten his worries by the time he had hauled two armfuls of grocery supplies up to his apartment .
20 While some of the fight had clearly faded from his team-mates by the time they reached the Oval , battling Smith was more single-minded than ever .
21 He had , according to Bowdler Sharpe , amassed a fortune of £17,000 from his publications by the time he left for Australia .
22 Siward was probably already one of the richest men in Scandinavian York , as well as a useful war-leader and a forthright advisor to Canute and his heirs by the time it occurred to the Lady Emma that she might do worse than encourage him to take over Northumbria .
23 He had folded up his sheets and blankets and was polishing his boots by the time reveille sounded .
24 But he had revised his view by the time he wrote A West-India Fortune ( 1950 ) : there , and in George III and the Politicians , the two approaches were fruitfully combined .
25 The porters were excellent and had the luggage in our rooms by the time we arrived — always the sign of a good hotel !
26 You and your horsemen will be facing four times your numbers by the time the foot-army from Leven has joined up with the eleven hundred from the ships .
27 Normally you should have references in your possession by the time you conduct the final interviews since they give one more piece of information to assist with your judgement .
28 Er it 's a bit difficult coming on the end of a debate cos everyone 's nicked your speech by the time you get here .
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