Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] that if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 With this , well erm I was er after the first two years when I did n't get a referred lead or recommendation cos I , I had this fear in my mind that if I asked for names , they 'd actually not give them and that they would actually then cancel the policy they 'd taken out with me , I actually thought that
2 It crossed my mind that if he had changed his opinions it might be partly because the squalor and expense of the flat — made worse by my bad housekeeping — had begun to get him down .
3 Well , it wo n't be this year for the competition is intense but there 's no doubt in my mind that if he sticks at it young Coates will eventually get to the top .
4 BELVILLE : It is still my opinion that if I had not discovered the parson as I did , you might have gone to a length that would have put your present situation out of both our powers .
5 It also offers superior distortion sounds , which leads me to my conclusion that if it 's just a simple , workable sound processor you 're looking for , with the least financial outlay , then the ME-6 will do the job .
6 Being the recipient of a large number of offers to ‘ Pay Now Die Later ’ I asked my wife that if she ‘ Oh surprise me ’ was her reply .
7 I suppose I knew what your reaction would be , but thought in my arrogance that if I presented you with a fait accompli , the sale of the land , your money back , you 'd be so overwhelmed with gratitude that you 'd immediately fall into my arms . ’
8 I have given strict orders to my henchmen that if I die in suspicious circumstances , they are to hang my chaplain immediately .
9 She informed her great-granddaughter that if she filed for a divorce she would take Andrew 's side and say that what he had done in taking a mistress and in finally attempting suicide was because she had never acted as a wife to him .
10 Glancing at those muscular knees , ruddy beneath the hem of his pleated tunic , she made up her mind that if he ever attempted to spank her again she would scream blue murder .
11 She made up her mind that if she found herself frequently lying sleepless and agitated , then Memet should , as far as she was concerned , be cast into outer darkness .
12 Before this interrogation , he had reluctantly agreed to allow his wife to conduct it , being unable to argue against her contention that if he were to perform that duty , his questioning would inevitably be biased in the girl 's favour .
13 They told their father that if he did marry her they would wash their hands of them .
14 Like the immortal ‘ Old Bill ’ in Bruce Bairns father 's First World War cartoon of the trenches , the patient British urged their neighbours that if they knew of ‘ a better'ole ’ they should go to it .
15 I do n't think it would be an adequate response from our Institute to say to its members that if they wanted a qualification in tax , they should go and join another body .
16 In her bedroom now , sipping her whisky , she acknowledged for the first time in her life that if she had to make a list of the happy times , it would properly have to include the hours she had spent with Graham in his garden .
17 Later ex-Croydon staff found to their cost that if they accepted promotion , they then came under London Transport conditions , which followed closely UndergrounD Group practices .
18 He had to return to base , but as he flew back the thought crossed his mind that if he could get refuelled quickly enough the opportunity might still remain .
19 It follows from this My Lords that I believe that the Noble Lord , Lord with his well-known moderation and desire to compromise has gone rather too far in meeting Government intentions , but at all events I do ago go along with his proposal that if it is to be done by order , it would be right that the order should be laid before Parliament to make quite sure that justice has been done .
20 He was amused to find himself surrounded by the dead mackerel of his own catch , and held one aloft , waving and shouting to his crew that if they did n't hoick him out good and quick , there 'd be no free ale in Mother Russell 's that night .
21 Several years ago he told his managers that if they produced an eight per cent pre-tax profit he would dance the hula down Wall Street .
22 The doctrine he has carried through his career that if you do n't enjoy it , there 's no point bothering , can easily be misconstrued as arrogance .
23 Cunningham had strengthened his belief that if he could only follow the clues for which Heather 's photographs were somehow emblems he would find the truth — and Heather with it .
24 But here was a youth so far ahead of his time that if he had turned up on the streets of London sixty or seventy years later , he would still have been recognised as a sure sign of an alarmingly unrivalled degeneration among the young .
25 No , it 's your policy that if you tell the lie often enough people people believe it .
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