Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] be [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 My response was to say that the only way he can go from here is down ! ’ quipped Robertson .
2 However , my aim is to show that notions of ‘ masculinity ’ and ‘ femininity ’ are important in shaping students ' experiences of schooling .
3 My job is to ensure that dioxin does not enter the food chain and we have a full programme of surveys to ensure that that does not happen .
4 So it was quite a simple job and of course , as yard inspector at Street , my job was to see that the s platforms were always When one train left you had to put the other train in to get the shunters to shunt another train into the empty platform you see , for the next the next shunt and that and if a train came in from Carstairs you see , you seen that the pilot and phoned the signalman , let the pilot into number five dock .
5 My instinct is to believe that those who defend the autonomy of their particular " level " are right to do so but I also think that our present state of knowledge is insufficient to permit us to understand satisfactorily how this level autonomy comes about .
6 My advice is to remember that the short story is about one thing and one thing only , which often reveals itself in a single situation .
7 Basically , my objective was to ensure that British Aerospace stayed in business somehow .
8 The point of my remarks was to indicate that the longer timescale on which it is technically feasible to store AGR- and PWR irradiated fuels before reprocessing provides the CEGB with a flexibility not available in the case of magnox fuel .
9 Its contract is to guarantee that the doctors consulted by members of the public are properly qualified and will give competent treatment .
10 Their responsibility is to ensure that articles are forwarded for consideration by the editorial committee for inclusion in the newsletter .
11 Their responsibility was to see that the rosters were properly worked out you see .
12 Its effect is to deny that authoritative instructions can serve the mediating role assigned them above .
13 In the autumn of 1950 the French put forward the Pleven Plan , their aim being to ensure that any German forces were split into small units and integrated within a European Defence Community ( EDC ) .
14 Their aim was to ensure that contracts were given and policies enacted which favoured their interests in making profits .
15 I thought it particularly strange that the Labour party should label its new policy , ’ Made in Britain ’ , when its strategy is to ensure that British policy is made on the continent .
16 Their strategy was to claim that output targets were unattainable , and not to attain them .
17 . The last one then , erm , C P is the completer. and their role is to see that the team is protected as far as possible from mistakes and they also maintain a sense of urgency within the team .
18 Goblins are primarily support troops — their role is to ensure that your core troops get into combat against their chosen target .
19 Its role is to ensure that forests are n't destroyed for the sake of progress .
20 So , the only reason for her writing was to say that if he ever did get the chance to come over to the UK again , well , she 'd like — well , it would be nice …
21 The Court has already held , in its judgment of 23 November 1989 in the Torfaen case , that national rules governing the opening hours of retail premises reflect certain political and economic choices in so far as their purpose is to ensure that working and non-working hours are so arranged as to accord with national or regional socio-cultural characteristics , and that , in the present state of Community law , is a matter for the member states .
22 Their purpose is to ensure that community service orders are tough and demanding ; that they are managed consistently and with discipline and thus that the public and sentencers can have confidence in them .
23 Council officers were delighted — their task was to see that every home was provided with a wheeled bin , as part of a programme to improve the area 's refuse collection service .
24 She stopped trying to move herself voluntarily , and relied on nurses to move her arm and leg for her , so that their task was to ensure that she was always correctly positioned in relation to her spasticity , after they had performed the normal nursing duties of bathing her and helping her on and off the commode .
25 As well as fighting for more money , her task was to ensure that ‘ every last pound ’ was spent as effectively as it could be .
26 Its task is to ensure that the national and regional offtakes are all operating within defined quality limits to provide an uninterrupted flow of clean , natural gas to all our customers around the region .
27 The house was fall of memories ; but even to call them memories was to imply that Jack had put them behind him ; and he had not .
28 INTERNAL VERIFICATION is the process by which an organisation , approved to offer a particular qualification , identifies people whose function is to ensure that groups of assessors are carrying out their duties in an appropriate way .
29 The ‘ Beveridgites ’ may be most comfortable in Health Authorities whose job is to ensure that services are available for their populations .
30 They are the director , who comes from the production company , is in charge of the whole operation , and is the real expert ; the lighting cameraman , whose job is highly skilled and is exactly what it sounds like , and whose expertise will totally influence the visual texture of the film ; and the agency 's producer ( or creative group head ) whose job is to ensure that the director fully covers the brief , and to make any awkward decisions that may be needed .
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