Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] only be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Said I should only be pretending .
2 I 'll only be gone for half an hour or so , she reassured herself : plenty of time to finish it all when I get back .
3 I 'll only be sitting in the coffee shop till five past five anyway like so
4 If there were nothing more to it than this , I would only be repeating what I said in the previous chapter about the persistence of facies .
5 I was being utterly foolish ; my duty was to stay on , do A-levels , and go on to Oxford or Cambridge ( which took an extra term ) ; the local grammar school was not good enough to fulfil this latter purpose and if I went there , I would only be throwing my education away ; and , besides , did I not realise that , in the face of difficulties , one should never give up , but struggle on and thus establish a superior strength of character ?
6 It 's a privilege ; I 'd say more , but I would only be cut for the usual reason , lack of
7 I would only be doing it for you ! ’
8 ‘ I do n't think so , thank you , and of course I shall only be staying the one night , ’ she said very firmly .
9 Er I hope that makes the matter clear , because when we come to make a decision on this group of amendments , er when I er seek the opinion of the er Committee on my Amendment five , I shall only be seeking agreement to Amendment five and its related amendments er eight and eleven and if the Noble Lord , Lord er if , if the House were er to disagree with my Amendment or if it were to be withdrawn and the Noble Lord , Lord amendment were , were put , I think he would agree that it would only tha that that a decision by the Committee would only relate to the amendments in his name because we have in fact four alternatives before us which we are debating together .
10 I 've told the teeniest weeniest white lie and said that I will only be staying with you for a week or so . "
11 Sorry I can only be done , I said , mm , would I understand , and I said yes .
12 Now if ‘ I can only be known by description , and the only description which is true of it is ‘ that group of mental states , caused by the same living body ’ of which the envy and my judgement are members ' , it follows that anyone who does not describe ‘ I ’ in that way , will not know what ‘ I ’ means , and so will mean nothing when he says ‘ I was envious yesterday ’ .
13 These principles remain important because of the narrow scope and possible inapplicability of ss.61 and 62 of the FSA , which may only be invoked in the context of investment business and on condition that a rule against insider dealing has been adopted by the SIB , an SRO , or an RPB .
14 In the coming weeks the The England party is due to visit outposts such as Cuttack , Jampshedpu and Ahmedabad which may only be reached by tortuous train journeys of up to 15 hours , some requiring overnight travel between games .
15 Towards the end of this phase bronchitis develops , characterised by mucus containing immature lungworms in the airways , which may only be seen with the aid of a low-power microscope , and by cellular infiltration of the epithelium .
16 But a new entity , MODULE can be described which may only be given by one LECTURER and is part of only one COURSE .
17 You should select of the following options which may only be done when the combination of old and new mail is not zero : —
18 The effect of this is to make clear that registration as an RFL does not entitle the RFL to undertake work which may only be done by a solicitor , and also that an RFL must not put solicitors or recognised bodies in breach of rules , or other requirements of conduct .
19 Careful study of the bird trade press during the first few months of 1989 led to the identification of a large number of advertisements offering species , such as the Scarlet Macaw , which may only be put on sale after permission has been obtained from the Department of the Environment .
20 An application for a change of use for instance could , if successful , saddle the landlord with a detrimental use which may only be reconverted by another planning permission .
21 There are also certain transactions , such as the alteration of the company 's articles of association , which may only be carried out by resolution of the shareholders .
22 The Hard Copy system is provided as three stand-alone programs which should only be run when the LIFESPAN process is not running :
23 Safeguards would have to be built into the use of post-selection , pre-placement medical examinations , which should only be permitted if all successful applicants are subjected to such a medical examination .
24 They have believed that the whole purpose of the EEC is to build protective barriers which should only be reduced in return for a high price to be paid by ‘ the other side ’ .
25 Thus , even where a sexual assault involves no significant physical force , it constitutes harm in the sense that it invades a deeply personal zone , gaining non-consensually that which should only be shared consensually .
26 In America in particular lawyers were accepting protests from stars who claimed their image was ‘ intellectual property ’ which should only be reproduced with their permission .
27 Neon Tetras — A small Characin with very bright blue and red colouration which must only be kept in shoals and preferably in acid water .
28 l he general conclusion reached here was that any attempt to get behind the early church 's proclamation of Jesus to what Jesus himself had actually believed about himself could only be built on psychological conjecture and historical guesswork .
29 Field barns were built to serve land lying some distance from the farmstead , or which could only be reached from it by way of steep hills .
30 When the guardians proposed moving some families to Henfield , a few miles away , a fight broke out which could only be stopped by troops from Brighton .
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