Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [adv] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I could no more return to that house alone than face the devil .
2 I should have told you , the night I met you on Starr Hills ; but I 'd only that day realized and I was afraid who might be listening .
3 I would no more look at her today than a bar of soap . ’
4 I can no more vouch for the loyalty of every one of my tenants than His Grace the King or my Lord Cardinal can guarantee the loyalty of every Englishman .
5 The Assembly 's meeting in New York at the moment to decide whether Cambodia 's seat will be given to the newly agreed Supreme National Council ; a move which would please many people and organizations such as Oxfam and Christian Aid , who were opposed to the Phol Pot regime .
6 Today , many people who might earlier this century have been in hospital are now living in a residential home .
7 She could no more walk away from him now than she could voluntarily stop breathing .
8 You can fine some information a bout each of these methods on pages 2–6 of this leaflet .
9 We shall therefore this year have two sets of consultation about applications , as opposed to only one last year .
10 If we can not rest with the ordinary ideas , we can no more rest with their philosophical variants .
11 What is interesting is that for the first time individual patrols would have radio communication via jeep-mounted No. 11 radio sets , but in the event of breakdowns they would also each take two pigeons .
12 It could no more act as a ‘ watchdog ’ than a critical examiner of the actions of politicians or government because it was closely and inextricably tied to both .
13 Are we to conclude , therefore , that the Anglican Church 's neglect of purification ritual for women is not because it believes women to be ‘ clean ’ , but because it would rather such matters were n't mentioned at all ?
14 It will later this week reiterate its opposition to the break-up of the two-tier structure of regions and districts which are to be replaced with single-tier councils .
15 Perhaps if it 's so successful if it can successfully this evening perhaps we will do it more often .
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