Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [verb] there and " in BNC.

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1 I knew what I was going out to and I was only concerned that there might be some hitch or delay , that I might get there and find that someone had made a mistake and I was n't due out for another six months — such was my anxiety to be released .
2 I 'll go there and kiss the stones , and I 'll go and kiss me old mother who is living in Dublin with some nuns .
3 Oh I 'll go there and finish that perhaps this afternoon or tomorrow , anytime there 's no-one 's to go there only me now is n't it .
4 I 'll sit there and watch some guy and go , ‘ Man , the work that must have gone into that ! ’ and they 're just whizzing right along making it look easy , but at the same time it does n't make those hairs stand up .
5 I 'll live there and grow prize marrows , and sooner or later you 'll come along . ’
6 Oh well I could go there and have a look , anyway one day
7 ‘ After she moved to the Villa Souleiado Philippe used to bring me the paintings to sign , or I 'd go there and do it .
8 than that dear it 's down the other end , the other side of Old Harlow , but he used to have a surgery there which he , you know , made it better after the erm , to ease up Dr surgery cos that was so packed and the shops were absolutely and you used to have to queue and queue for , to get your shopping , you could n't , I used to cycle into Harlow and leave my cycle somewhere and then go along do my shopping , but it used to be two or three hours ' job it was , you did n't get done till dinner time and then I used to call it a , a lady used to say call there that used to have the fried fish and chip shop on the corner of erm Harlow and I used to go there and have a cup of tea before I came home because I used to be so long shopping you could n't get served you see , it 's too many people , there was nowhere else for them to go , it was only Bishop 's Stortford you had to go
9 Then you got to er the picture house er that happened just before the First World War that was put up as far as I can remember , I know I used to go there and see erm the Broken Coin which was a serial picture and it was you know er where somebody was up to their neck in water one week and it would say that the continuation of this picture would be shown in this theatre one week from today and you .
10 Erm and I just said , I said I used to housekeep there and at Nutton Oh !
11 As I say er I only take them when I 've got to take 'em , you understand what I mean , but I shall sit there and
12 I will ride there and maybe pass them among the trees .
13 The lounge has a large bay window with a beautiful view of the village and I can sit there and watch the world go by , if I feel like it .
14 She said I ca n't promise you , so I thought well I 'm sat six months now , so I phoned this ship thing yesterday on the telly called Just Start , no Start Again whatever it 's called and they gave me , they phoned me yesterday and they gave me a number of Cine Hill , Northampton which is the job advisory centre , adults education and then they phoned me yesterday and they told me who to get in touch with so I 've got an appointment Thursday at erm Northampton with the Social Services Department and they apparently map out all the places where you could go , say , say for instance that St Crispin 's is the mental home I can go there and be with the patients and then I can go to the Marina 's and be taught how to lift and how to bed bath and how to manipulate
15 I can run there and back in no time if you ai n't got the money for the tram , ’ I said eagerly .
16 She found herself on the threshold of Fearon 's bedroom : that was a bit tricky and she knew she ought to retreat there and then .
17 You ought to go there and ‘ ave a word with the guv'nor . ’
18 ‘ Well , it 's strange you should stand there and ask that question , sir , very strange indeed . ’
19 You might not you might get there and you might say oh I do n't like this !
20 I mean , as I say , you might get there and you might hate it anyway .
21 She 'll sit there and watch wo n't she , while you
22 And when she 's go , when she 's having having a good time she ta , she 's like one of the nurses you know , she helps them out but when she 's on her downer she 'll sit there and she wo n't do anything
23 As far as the ‘ artisan'-producer is concerned , Carole King 's picture of institutionalized song-writing in New York in the early 1960s — ‘ squeezed into our respective cubby-holes … you 'd sit there and write and you could hear someone in the next cubby-hole composing a song exactly like yours ’ ( Frith 1983a : 13–12 ) — fits into exactly the same frame of reference as Abner Silver and Robert Bruce 's classic 1939 text , How to Write and Sell a Hit Song , which describes the ‘ standard ’ forms and techniques , and from which Adorno quotes with withering relish ( 1941 : 17–18 ) .
24 Er sometimes the police , if , if there was a police station near , they would phone a message through but er quite of quite often and then you 'd , you 'd get there and often you 'd hear the baby was born by the time you got there .
25 And there was a big room and you and you could go there and , and make things out of wood .
26 Cos you could get there and there could be a four o'clock there and you might think oh my God what a waste of time this is .
27 I said I do n't know how you dare sit there and say you have n't paid that Alice , she 's paid a fiver I says I 'd be ashamed , I said I wish mine was only that , so she phoned up to make arrangements to pay it a pound a week thirty two pound , that 's all hers is Wendy , for the year
28 Remember when she used to stand there and madden you with her politeness and that voice of hers .
29 And you used to go there and we used to have er anybody mashing the tea what they used to call it .
30 I was afraid she would die there and then .
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