Example sentences of "[pron] [be] just [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I am a good citizen , a nice person ; I am just at the moment in the grip of a sexual passion , in the throes of love ; I am alive : I who have been so nearly dead for decades , which is why I am currently neglecting them , just a little .
2 Just as she came out the council she said I I 'm just outside the council offices ringing you .
3 They 're really nice , but you know , I 'm just like a bloody third leg or something .
4 So I 'm just after the tube really .
5 I 'm just in a foul mood .
6 ‘ I 'm not in a trap , ’ he said , ‘ I 'm just in a dark bit of the wood . ’
7 You , yeah er er yes I 'd er you 're quite right , at the moment I 'm just in a sense presenting the the pr you know the arguments of those in favour , we , we 'll , we 'll , we 'll make this point in a second , yeah .
8 I 'm just in a bloody daze !
9 I 'm just in a meeting at the minute .
10 I 'm not a fucking squeak I 'm just in a choir .
11 Well , I 've a chequered domestic history , I 'm just in the middle of a second divorce .
12 I 'm just in the next room .
13 I 've done the , I 'm just in the middle of the skills one .
14 Er , well I 'm , I 'm just in the middle of , I 'm sign writing a vehicle and I 'm half way through the letters and I 've got a , I 've got ta finish that off before I can get into my stock .
15 I 'm just in the
16 I 'm just in the middle of reading .
17 I know that I , I mean I is just at the moment going through the S A T S course .
18 The question of er P P G thirteen and transportation I think is vitally important , York will come into the position that Chester er where I was just at a transportation enquiry recently , it 's a very similar sort of city , it 's not quite the same as Cambridge , where Cambridge is leaping ahead on quite , some would say draconian transportation measures , York in the forceable future will have to look at specialist transportation measures , that 's important in terms of the planning policy guidance that is out , it 's also in the white paper , it may be in draft P P G thirteen , it 's also in I think it 's P P G twenty two , renewable energy , that we should now be looking at developments which is closer to work , that links then to the question of sustainability and viability of a new settlement , I am not aware , and and I put it guardedly in those terms , of any significant employment existing or proposed in any of the new settlement proposals .
19 I think I was just on the verge of making one . ’
20 I did n't know he was home and I was just on the point of going into her room when I heard him . ’
21 And I go mum goes , I was just out the door !
22 I was just in the right place at the right time , I guess .
23 I was just in the office .
24 I was just in the office typing and er and general office work and while he went on the district you see .
25 I left the bike in the shed and watched him from the shed door for a while , poised so that if he happened to wake up it would look as though I was just in the act of shutting the door .
26 The problem can be solved neatly by setting the mixer output so that the signal peaks at levels which are just below the threshold at which the automatic gain control comes into operation .
27 To attain any particular setting you watch the flap position indicator which is just below the manifold pressure gauge , depress the lever , then return it to neutral when the required degrees are shown .
28 Which is just at the angle
29 The biggest excitement of the war for us happened when an aeroplane came down on the hill above Clove Lodge , which is just across the valley from Low Birk Hatt .
30 It is perhaps worth mentioning a recently developed crag which is just off the Moustiers road , about four kilometres outside La Palud .
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