Example sentences of "[pron] [be] no [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 With the London marathon coming up , there 's no better time to start .
2 If you 're planning to buy a dishwasher , there 's no better time to do it than before Christmas .
3 With the London marathon coming up , there 's no better time to start .
4 Your starting point should be the British Franchise Association ( BFA ) and there 's no better time than now .
5 There 's no better time to launch a car like this .
6 Beneficiary did n't want the shares so we sold the shares and there 's no good time you know unfortunately none of us has crystal balls where the market is concerned .
7 There 's no such time as sixty one .
8 But touring takes up so much time that there 's no real time to sit down and work out songs .
9 there 's no other time
10 There 's no specific time for delivery , that 's where the bulk of the work is so if we 're talking an average round being twenty five parcels a day between Grattan and Next Directory .
11 There 's no this time .
12 By contrast , the time limit for actions in private law is at least three years , and for judicial review applications made outside Ord. 53 there is no fixed time limit : delay in applying is just a factor to be taken into account when the court exercises its discretion whether or not to award a declaration or injunction .
13 There is no other time but now .
14 In order to understand what you would see if you were watching a star collapse to form a black hole , one has to remember that in the theory of relativity there is no absolute time .
15 The fact that there is no right time , he wrote , the fact that it is bound always to be too early or too late , that fact is little consolation .
16 But there is no further time for speculation and reflection on the Enlightenment , because one of the false views of humanity ( the collectivist kind ) , after ticking away like a time bomb , explodes in a political event of such fury and consequence that the gentle yet élitist world of the Enlightenment philosophers is destroyed for ever .
17 Even if a " bill " succeeds at this stage , there is no further time allocated for the remaining stages and so , unless the Government gives up some of its time , the bill will not proceed further .
18 There is no more time .
19 Asked by many , particularly those in the national and local press and media , about the need for an early morning raid to remove the children , she said there was no right time to take children .
20 Until the passing of the 1968 Act , there was no general time limit within which development had to take place ; unless a specific condition was imposed .
21 ‘ As it happened , the kick-off was late — there was no fixed time then — and we were hard-pressed even to get to Edgehill in time for our train home , so in the rush we put our coats on over our playing kit for the journey .
22 Riding along in my automobile there was no particular time to go to , just a moiling moment .
23 There was no more time for sight-seeing if I were to catch my train , but the helpful Matthews told me of martyr Sir Oliver Plunkett 's head , preserved in a church at Drogheda .
24 There was no more time to redesign that feature of the building .
25 I could n't stay with him any longer : there was no more time .
26 She felt the heat of his skin against hers , the rising tide of hot passion overwhelming them once again , and there was no more time for gentle , slow lovemaking .
27 Home after 6 to an empty house with mother away cleaning offices , there was no free time and no free energy .
28 But for the kind of shopping that Boy was doing there was no five o'clock , there was no closing time .
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