Example sentences of "[pron] [be] a [n mass] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I am a staff nurse on a continuing care ward for elderly people and I am looking into ways of designing a new care plan assessment for our residents .
2 Indeed , it had been on roach trips that I have found most of my bream swims in the past and although I 'm a roach man first and foremost , a splendid , clean seven pound river bream has never given me cause for complaint !
3 ‘ Well , I 'm a sales girl , now , ’ Melanie thought the day she sold the Noah 's Ark .
4 I asked him how long he had been with the Republicans and he said , ‘ Three weeks — I 'm a sales manager and I 've been given leave of absence by my company just to produce last night 's rally . ’
5 The first product , to ship this September , is VRTXsa , which is a 100% emulation of VRTX built on the nanokernel to provide upward compatibility , and the new toolkit .
6 R 2 denotes RR which is a 180° turn and R 3 denotes RRR , also written R — 1 or R ′ , denoting a 270° turn clockwise or a 90° turn anticlockwise .
7 Then what about ‘ cobbler ’ , which is a fruit pie , maybe named by some exile from Arrochar ?
8 The Diconix is n't as accomplished as the DeskJet Portable , but it is about £50 less , and has a built-in sheet-feed capability , which is a £69 option with the HP .
9 It is also an ideal introduction to the scenery of the region , from tufa mounds and hot pools to the Virginia Falls , possibly the second best known falls in Canada , around which is a 2km portage trail , partly on wooden planks .
10 Abel has put together a demonstration system called Guernica , which is a multimedia approach to learning about the famed Picasso painting that depicts the Nazi destruction of a peaceful Basque village by air attack during the Spanish Civil War .
11 Well , we 've done that , as we said we would and of course , in a business such as Pearson , which is a people business er , although we regularly monitor employment statistics , such as total employ total number of employees er , revenue per employee , cost per employee , profit per employee , there are times when we have to take er , difficult decisions and er , so we 've gone in for a lot of redundancy , which we 'll see in , in er during the next slide or two .
12 True or false , it is hard to be depressed at Loch St John 's , particularly if you are a trout fisherman .
13 If you are a sales person , one of the important parts of the job is to know as much as possible about the people you are selling to .
14 Your premiums get tax relief at the highest rate of tax you pay ( so a gross premium of £1,000 will cost you only £600 net if you are a 40% taxpayer ) , and your lump sum at retirement is tax free .
15 It 's just going to be a great day for families , if you are an aircraft enthusiast , or a flying enthusiast a great fun day .
16 But when you 're a £2.5m striker who 's living up to his price-tag as spectacularly as he has done , there are always going to be people out to bring you down a peg or two .
17 Well , we may not have enough time for that , so erm , let's imagine that you 're a sales director , and , now this is more difficult .
18 So if you 're a fish fancier , a frustrated trout tickler , or just want to try something completely different , this could be the business for you ; provided of course you have at least £280,000 to spare .
19 Now , most people think that you were a fish wife because you were married to a fisherman that had nothing to do with it !
20 You were a fish wife because your mother , or your granny , or your auntie was a fish wife .
21 He added : ‘ I think Esther Rantzen does a tremendous amount of good work , but she is a media star and I would hope that she will realise that people accept what she says as gospel truth .
22 Alison 's contemporary Heather , who is a data editor , has ‘ had a sip of one ’ but has never ‘ considered drinking it as an alternative to alcohol ’ .
23 I am looking forward to the trip , ’ said Helen , who is a Sales System Secretary in the Sales Operations department .
24 ECHO reader Joan Frost spent a sleepless night hoping against hope that she was a £1,000 winner in our great Bingo Mania game .
25 Among those in residential homes the frequency with which bad temper was reported was 31 per cent when the respondent was a relative , friend or neighbour , 45 per cent when he or she was a staff member — a difference which did not reach statistical significance .
26 The Elland Road club have previously shown an interest in Deane who was a £3m target for Chelsea last season .
27 They either automatically assume we 're just backing singers or we 're a folk outfit just because we use harmonies and acoustic guitars . ’
28 One is a 1,200m carpet of flowers planted in spring with 250,000 blue , yellow and white pansies nodding their heads vigorously in the slightest breeze .
29 And one 's a puppet … one 's a politician.Can Mrs Heseltine spot the difference ?
30 Can there be a 100% reduction for contributory negligence ?
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