Example sentences of "[pron] [be] also find [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Table 8.1 summarises some research on grammatical features in different sign languages which are also found in BSL and which have been discussed in this book .
2 In other countries it is sometimes seen in dogs imported from endemic regions Gross : They are readily recognised on the basis of size ( 1.0-2.0 cm ) , being much smaller than the common ascarid nematodes which are also found in the small intestine , and by their characteristic " hook " posture .
3 The couple were also forced to sell at a loss , the nearby post office and general store , which were also found to be contaminated .
4 Nick Butterfield of Harvard , though , thinks Wiwaxia is related to a scaly worm , part of a known phylum , which is also found in the Burgess shale .
5 A high proportion of patients who develop Reiter 's disease can be shown to have HLA B27 tissue antigen which is also found in people who develop arthritis associated with the skin disease psoriasis and those with ankylosing spondylitis .
6 This form , which is also found in ASL , is likely to have been borrowed by other sign languages from ASL .
7 In this latter condition , gluten ( which is also found in oats , barley , and rye ) produces damage to the lining of the bowel , preventing normal absorption of nutrients from the diet .
8 The bearded pig , which is also found in the rainforests of Peninsular Malaya and Sumatra , weighs up to 200kg , is dark brown or grey and has a white beard and conspicuous facial warts .
9 This species is perhaps of Arctic origin which is also found in bathyal and abyssal depths of both sides of the North Atlantic : south to Martha 's Vineyard in the west and from the Rockall Trough south to Portugal in the east .
10 Those which are datable , the stalagmites and burnt flints , have low concentrations of the radioactive elements uranium , thorium and potassium , as does the limestone which is also found within the deposits .
11 There is a very useful collection of 111 vessels of the first half of the first century under ‘ Belgic Verulamium ’ ; a group of 18 vessels from the filling of an unfinished well-shaft dated by a coin of Pius ( 145 — 161 ) ‘ lost in fair condition ’ , and a stamp of the samian potter GERMINVS who is also found on the Antonine Wall ( 142 — 163 ) ; a pit group ( Pit 6 , Insula V ) of 14 vessels with a coin of Pius ( 154 — 155 ) ; 9 vessels from Triangular Temple , from the filling between two floors of the courtyard ; there follows 9 more vessels , from different places , and 15 predating the S.E. gate , and finally , there are 7 from Pit 5 in building IV , considered as late fourth and possibly fifth century .
12 There was also found to be some increase in right field advantage for dot location .
13 The sizes of these crystallites are small relative to the length of a fully extended polymer chain , but they are also found to be independent of the molar mass and rarely exceed 1 to 100 nm .
14 They are also found in the top levels of local government , the health service and privatised industries .
15 The value of T g depends on the way in which it is measured but it is also found to be a function of the polymer chain length .
16 It is also found at the base of the neo-classical economic theory of capitalism , with its basic tenet of man as a maximizing individual with limitless needs and desires — a notion Sahlins deconstructed many years ago ( 1974 ) , but one that still persists in Western economic and political thought , and which underlies much of the anthropology of conflict .
17 It is also found at all levels , not just among our nearest evolutionary ancestors , the monkeys and the apes .
18 It is also found on the palms of the hand and the soles of the feet , which are not sites commonly affected by other rashes .
19 It is also found in body fat and it accumulates in the liver , muscles and walls of blood vessels as part of a disease process .
20 The post-experience pattern has emerged chiefly in the management and administrative fields , although it is also found in teaching ( in post-school education and the proposed ‘ licensed teacher ’ scheme ) and some other service professions ( for example , voluntary social work experience is often a requirement for admission to social work courses ) .
21 Native of central and southern Europe , and western Asia , it is also found in temperate regions of North America .
22 It is also found among religious groups who love one another , but are hostile towards those who are not of the same religious group , or sect , as themselves .
23 It was made , but it was also found to be known already and to have been patented in the USA , along with Sontochin , by Winthrop .
24 To say this is , it should be noted , is to make a theological point : since it is held that God is the creator , so that what is natural , and what is also found to be the case , must accord with what is God 's intention .
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