Example sentences of "[pron] [be] also [adj] find " in BNC.

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1 I am also alarmed to find the enemy so hard on my heels .
2 After buying a 1969 IIA LWB safari with 2.25 petrol engine , overdrive and free wheeling hubs , I was also pleased to find a Weber carb fitted .
3 I was also surprised to find geothermal energy described as creating no direct chemical emissions — even the ‘ hot dry rock ’ schemes have water pollution problems .
4 I think he 's got a whole metaphor going in this poem between wild animals and things that exist freely and are difficult to find and poems which are things that exist and have their own life but they are also difficult to find .
5 If Marshal Piłsudski and Colonel Beck , the Polish leaders in Warsaw , were upset that France had not given them stronger backing over the Wilia crisis , then they were also relieved to find that Hitler was not prepared to go to war over the city — at least not yet .
6 They were also keen to find out how their own school operated and often became involved in practical matters directly affecting their school , such as mounting a campaign for school repairs and refurbishment .
7 They were also difficult to find because people stole them from libraries or tore out chapters .
8 But it is also uplifting to find a course charted for a better world that combines environmental protection , civil liberties and economic development as three sides of a single strategy , rather than bolted together in disjointed and contradictory declarations .
9 While it is true that by the turn of the century both middle and working class women were profoundly affected by the gospel of maternalism preached by the medical profession , imperialists and politicians , it is also possible to find examples of straightforward resistance to physicians both on the grounds that they encouraged middle class women to lead idle lives and that they posed a threat to female modesty .
10 It is also possible to find explicit expressions for the bulk compliance B(t) and the shear compliance J(t) .
11 It is also possible to find support for this reading by considering Anderson 's interruptions of other speakers .
12 It is also important to find a hypnotherapist who is prepared to be frank and open with you and to answer all your questions .
13 It is also hard to find a yardstick with which to compare the preservation of more than 99 per cent of information in 20 billion successive copyings .
14 At this stage in the study , there were still many questions unanswered about detailed aspects of the new legislation , and it was also necessary to find out more about College activities and functions , particularly those that could eventually contribute to the exercise of balancing costs with income .
15 Although he seemed to be oblivious of what had happened , because he was concentrating on some letter or other , Eliot looked up resignedly and with a smile of one all too accustomed to the lack of business acumen in other people ; but I could see that he was also relieved to find me not too cast down .
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