Example sentences of "[pron] [be] not all [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The baton is frequently of use to soloists , who are not all musicians , and whose eye profitably follows the baton 's movements , especially in slow tempos , which are always the hardest to follow : but then it is not heard .
2 We are not all Florence Nightingales or Hannibals .
3 We are not all savages up in Yorkshire … .
4 We 're not all bat lovers .
5 Essentially you 'll that erm the the analysts are erm hand on , uhm , ‘ both managers a such should be encouraged to consult the various directors and put some forethought into the sort of accessibilities , sorry accountabilities , that characterize a certain sort of job ’ so although they are not all directors , Neil is is is will be our editorial expert in this .
6 I mean we do support , do n't we , things like the talking newspaper across the area , because there 's , and we do support like erm , Mrs 's holiday for youngsters , although they are not all Ottery kids , but I mean the fact of the matter is , I think we would need each time we look at any of this , that there are Ottery youngsters involved .
7 If there could be more attempts like this to show mentally handicapped lives in their normality , rather than in a sensational way , the media could play a major role in helping the public to understand more about the lives that handicapped people lead ; that they are not all anguish and broken dreams , but often constructive , fulfilling and as life enhancing as anyone else 's .
8 Ah they 're not all granny 's .
9 They 're not all students , presumably .
10 They 're not all teletext ?
11 I mean that they 're a valuable source of fund raising in the schools for example , erm and I would not , they are also a valuable source of fund raising people that need to raise money to buy their kids Christmas presents and so on , you know , I mean people , they 're not all market traders or people shifting stolen goods at car boot sales .
12 I I I think really they er they forget that that there 's a quite a large number of the population , they do think about what 's going on , and they 're not all children and they 're not and are n't all that easy easily persuaded .
13 He might be more constructive if he cared to pick which items from that he agrees with , we might even find a measure of agreement on one or two of the issues , because they 're not all rubbish .
14 " At least you did n't call me a tinker , and they 're not all thieves . "
15 And they were not all billionaires : it was possible to take a ten day cruise to North Africa for £9 .
16 Wondering why on earth they were not all friends .
17 They were not all Russians , since they included Caucasians , Kalmucks and Ukrainians ( many of whom had Polish nationality ) .
18 West Country Living : It may be roses but it 's not all rats
19 It 's not all dockside talk ? ’
20 But it 's not all comedy , I think he 's trying to show a more serious side to his acting . ’
21 And it 's not all honey , starting somewhere at six in the morning if you live eight or nine miles off .
22 If working five days a week on Neighbours for two years was tough , her schedule on Delinquents really proved it 's not all glamour in the movie-making business either .
23 I would just like to say that erm , it 's not all gloom and doom !
24 The course gives advice on a range of subjects : town gardens , metalwork , stucco and door furniture , but it 's not all classwork .
25 Oh and then there was there 's it 's it 's it 's not all Harlow it 's all just
26 It 's not all misery .
27 But it 's not all smiles .
28 So really and truly I mean it 's not all nurses that are so stressed .
29 It 's not all parking tickets and queue-jumping .
30 It 's not all rose and no thorns , I can assure you .
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