Example sentences of "[pron] [be] to [be] in " in BNC.

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1 I ca n't tell you how thrilled I am to be in closer contact with Medau again .
2 In the years that followed I was to be in that lovely apartment many times visiting Jessica and Celia , who served the most delicious toasted bacon sandwiches and coffee that I have ever tasted .
3 Just on a year ago , as I was to be in London at the time of the World Cup , I made enquiries about obtaining tickets to attend some of the Cup matches in the United Kingdom .
4 His most popular decision of 1936 was to fix the date of his own retirement , which was to be in May 1937 .
5 A few years later , my father got what he wanted , which was to be in charge of the company 's boiler maintenance .
6 Portugal 's Assembly of the Republic approved the new law on April 17 , 1990 , which was to be in force from May 10 , 1990 , until the transfer of power to China at the end of 1999 .
7 Look , ’ he said , ‘ you are to be in France by the beginning of December .
8 She says she 's to be in Leningrad for a day or two — she 's on location at Lake Baikal — to meet Mrs Reagan on her flying visit to the Hermitage .
9 She was to be in bed for three days at the doctor 's insistence and she never even saw Alain .
10 Still , it was true in the main , so for the few weeks she was to be in Venice she would take the greatest care to have as little to do with him as possible .
11 When my cousin , who was to be in the locality ( one did not ask why at that time , and it was only after we were both freed of our vows of secrecy more than thirty years later that he told me he had been at Bletchley Park itself ) suggested coming to visit me , Mrs Sugden had no doubt but that this was my ‘ gentleman friend ’ .
12 George , who was to be in charge of the wires , having earlier walked round her as if he were the hangman measuring her for the drop , said Mary Deare would come into her own when she flew .
13 Who was to be in in control of the tactics to be used for the operation ?
14 ‘ How lucky we are to be in a band and not having to get up every morning to do a crappy job .
15 ‘ How lucky we are to be in a band and not having to get up every morning to do a crappy job .
16 Cleaving and becoming one is to be in every area of our being — spiritual , psychological/emotional and physical .
17 There was certainly no implication in classical criminology , as there was to be in positivist , that we can ignore the content and operation of legal rules in addressing ourselves to the question of the causes and treatment of crime .
18 When it also rapidly became clear , following the 1972 White Paper , Education : A Framework for Expansion , that there was to be in fact a massive reduction in teacher education and an opportunity to diversify to fill the gaps created , the CNAA began to be faced with proposals for degrees in other subjects , often combined or modularized degrees , and often with an attempt to build both a BA and BEd degree on top of a two-year Diploma .
19 The infant churches experienced from the synagogues persecution which , when full grown , they were to be in a position to return .
20 The controversy which surrounded these events , and which periodically exercised the District Executive and enlivened the District Council , took place at a time when tutor-organisers were less established figures than they were to be in the 1960s and 1970s .
21 It has been suggested that literacy levels in these weaving villages were higher than they were to be in the industrial towns of south Lancashire a generation later .
22 ‘ I do n't imagine you make a habit of calling on your clients unannounced , however delightful it is to be in your company . ’
23 Coffee will be served in the long drawing-room and , if you are to battle with me , may I remind you that it is to be in private .
24 If it is to be in your own class hall , you have no problem .
25 Although these had seen their origin in the reign of Henry IV , it was to be in his son 's brief reign that something of a revolution ( whose effects , however , were not to last ) took place .
26 Julia was just thinking how wonderfully refreshing it was to be in the middle of a real city , with town noises and roads and motor cars , when it dawned on her that her baggy brownish-grey tweeds and old felt hat were far too countrified .
27 Knowing what it was to be in a universe .
28 It was to be in a small town called Bad Schwarzendom . ’
29 He began by saying how glad he was to be in Europe again , which gave him an opportunity to outline some of the developments taking place in other regions of the world , and to describe the next phase in the development of the world car .
30 I would like to know what 's to be in it , when is the trial audit going to be , I suppose it 's in my diary , em .
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