Example sentences of "[pron] [be] in [det] case " in BNC.

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1 I am in any case no judge of beauty .
2 I am in any case rather intrigued by the project !
3 I no more say who I am in this case than I say I 'm off to my wife 's right in the lost-in-cloud case .
4 The Italian the other children spoke in school was not a dialect like my Triestino and in many subjects I was in any case behind the others , a thought which made me very unhappy .
5 Each quotation describes a journey in a carriage taken by the protagonists of works which are in many cases those whose titles bear their names : Emma , Madame Bovary , Clarissa , etc .
6 Selling old books , which are in many cases out of date , has raised £41.64 for the Cancer Relief MacMillan Fund .
7 ‘ It is nothing whatever to do with the cameras which are in any case not allowed to pan along the benches . ’
8 ‘ By the time the weary reader has plodded that far , it will be clear even to the uninitiated that writing this book was a labour of hate — for reasons reviewers can not be expected to discern and which are in any case of small interest .
9 But managers do not respond to competition in simplistic ways and price signals , which are in any case weak , are usually ignored in favour of other factors which purchasers deem to be more important , for example GP referral patterns .
10 If the EEC did wish to go beyond the 1962 agreement on agriculture , the arrangements of which were in any case due to expire in 1965 , if financing was permitted to come from the EEC 's own resources , and if the latter were to be levied on imports , then it was sensible for the EEC budget to come under the control of the European Parliament .
11 The coming of sound was probably crucial in this respect as it obviously placed a new emphasis on the contemporary American voice and on contemporary settings , which were in any case cheaper than conventional sets .
12 Some French troops had to be withdrawn from Brittany to pursue and harry Gaunt 's forces , but the diversion of the expedition from its original destination served to embitter relations between Duke John and Gaunt , which were in any case strained after a quarrel between them over the wages due to their troops , and the English garrisons at Brest , Bécherel ( a fortress some twenty miles south of St Malo ) , and Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte were still hard pressed by du Guesclin 's forces .
13 To take the case of religious education first : in a society that is increasingly mixed in terms of religion and culture and which is in any case predominantly secular , compulsory RE seems an anachronism .
14 Many of those living in the cities are trapped : they can not afford to buy their way out , particularly not to the more prosperous areas of the south and rented accommodation — which is in any case largely urban based — is declining nationally .
15 The editors are in no doubt that this is in respect of Molla Husrev 's medrese in Bursa ( the involvement of the kadi of Bursa in the function of is worth noting ) , which is in any case the only medrese he is known to have endowed .
16 Which is in any case an airwell , with more net curtains at the windows on the other side .
17 Environmentalists point out , however , that the fall in emissions was largely due to the economic recession ; if the UK economy revives , consumption and emissions will increase as a result and further measures will have to be taken to meet the target , which is in any case widely seen as very modest .
18 The Roman catholic bishops supported the wording of the referendum and , as the referendum approached , said it was legitimate to oppose the amendment even if one was against abortion , which was in any case still immoral and was ‘ the direct taking of an innocent life ’ ( Irish Bishops ' Conference statement , quoted O'Carroll 1983 ) .
19 The price of rice , which was in any case subject to considerable fluctuations , failed to keep pace with the increase in the prices of many other commodities purchased by samurai .
20 On 21 March , he wrote that he had ‘ thought a good deal ’ about the book — which , bearing in mind the Spanish use the word ‘ servile ’ in contrast to ‘ liberal ’ , I had called Liberal and Servile Society — but that his Board had agreed that in its present form , which was in any case fragmentary , it was insufficiently co-ordinated .
21 There was by then a growing feeling that the title " resident " conferred a higher status than the older term " agent " which was in any case dropping out of use .
22 who are in some cases worse than we thought
23 Some pieces of work , on the other hand , require a lot of reading and study time during composition ; and for these you are likely to produce better work if you choose questions that genuinely interest you , or connect with problems you are in any case interested in outside your literary work , rather than if you feel your work is being done out of obligation or under duress .
24 Later my father again applied for leave of absence , which Your Grace refused to grant , though you permitted me , who am in any case only a half-time servant , to travel alone .
25 For it became increasingly obvious that it did not , as had been intended , miraculously detect native intelligence in children however uneducated , but , on the contrary , was strongly biased in favour of middle-class children who had larger vocabularies than their working-class contemporaries , and who were in any case accustomed to tests and examinations .
26 Those pupils not in special schools for the visually handicapped included pupils with other sensory , learning or physical handicaps who were in some cases attending special schools for children who were deaf , physically handicapped or mentally handicapped .
27 Since a woman can have no sui heredes , the intestate heir will be the nearest agnate , who is in this case her sister and coheir .
28 Here the intestate heir is again the nearest agnate , who is in this case a brother .
29 We have at the moment probably one of our most important cases in the RVH , so I was pleased to listen to the shop steward from NUPE , because it is a case that we are funding and doing with NUPE , and the main person who was in that case is here , Rosaleen Davison .
30 Suddenly the cold around her began to burn , as an unknown and unsuspected rage lapped its edges and she felt for Tommaso sudden furious rancour.Contempt joined that rage too in turn , as she thought of his condition , the future of a conscript , the birth of a Post Office clerk 's son , who was in any case a stranger in the south , with God knows what dangerous notions in his head .
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