Example sentences of "[pron] [be] a [noun] you " in BNC.

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1 So that is a possi I was just wondering which one it was cos I say I know some of them are a bit you know
2 Erm , was , or so his critics said , that er his theory just would not work and the kind of argument that they produced against him , and poor old Darwin really did n't have an answer to this , and i it seemed a very very severe problem at the time was look , supposing that er I 'm a mutant you might think .
3 As a consequence of which well we went to Egypt and the Sudan this business , we came back and er the b the the foreman 's brother he ne he never liked me ever this forema when I were a kid you know , he never liked me at all , I never got on with him and and er mind you there 's a long story about that but it 's a silly little thing that er that I really upset him with .
4 If I were a man you would n't dare do this ! ’
5 Oh it worked all right , there was very little manure used when I was a boy you used ware .
6 I can , could apart from , from that , this operation I never had any illnesses , not when I was a kid you know , not until later on .
7 Ian Cameron , the party 's candidate in Hartlepool , said : ‘ When I was a child you could leave your back door open all night but you ca n't now .
8 I said yeah , and then I was a sleep you know .
9 For when I was hungry , you gave me food ; when thirsty , you gave me drink ; when I was a stranger you took me into your home , when naked you clothed me ; when I was ill you came to my help , when in prison you visited me . ’
10 For when I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat , when thirsty nothing to drink ; when I was a stranger you gave me no home , when naked you did not clothe me ; when I was ill and in prison you did not come to my help . ’
11 Carey addressed the wealthy directly , quoting Jesus ' parable about the sorting of the goats ( the wealthy ) from the sheep ( the poor ) in St Matthew 's gospel : ‘ The curse is upon you … for when I was hungry you gave me nothing to eat , when thirsty nothing to drink ; when I was a stranger you gave me no home , when naked you did not clothe me ; when I was ill and in prison you did not come to my help . ’
12 ‘ If I was a dog you would n't let me .
13 national vocation I I really think that it 's worse because they 've not , whereas when I was a trainee you had your six weeks on produce , your six weeks on whatever in the branch of that now and they did n't have that , they have n't got any training plan , so they 've got nothing to say well career , branch branch need here and I need to be here and I need to be here .
14 But er my was a laugh you know she was really good , good te
15 If you are a touch-typist you will soon find out where .
16 Whatever your race or class , if you are a man you are irredeemably the enemy .
17 I ca n't , ca n't really remember that , not too clear cos when you are a child you do n't memorize these things .
18 Once you are a Catholic you remain a Catholic , whether you become a Buddhist or an atheist .
19 Further , in terms of heterosexism , whatever your sexuality , if you are a woman you are always second best .
20 You are you are a softie you know .
21 If you are a teenager you should try to follow these basic safety guidelines .
22 If you are a student you can subscribe to NSS for a massive discount on the normal price .
23 I suppose if you 're a writer you can do it anywhere .
24 if you 're a thief you are going to get nicked sometime you ca n't afford to have regrets
25 The poor do n't possess The Paupers Cook Book or Good Food on a Budget or magazine pull-outs of cheap casseroles — for a start , a " pauper 's " cuisine is always more expensive than beans on toast and if you 're a pauper you ca n't buy books and magazines anyhow .
26 It seems if you 're a clown you can get away with murder when it comes to cars — forget about roadworthiness , do n't bother with tax discs , ignore MOTs .
27 It is on the face of it a very simple amendment to a quite a small and in some sense insignificant piece of legislation that is n't , erm I hope members would agree that by changing that piece of legislation to say that if you 're a trader you must display who you are and how people can get hold of you if the have a problem about products they buy from you , will not be too burdensome erm in these days of deregulation and so forth but on the other hand would help enforcements considerably and would also enable people to pursue their own remedies where they are dissatisfied with what they bought .
28 If you 're with someone that pinches you 're a girl you just walk away .
29 You 're a sado-masochist you .
30 I mean myself as a councillor I think i if you 're a councillor you should be involved in the strike in one way or another you know .
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