Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [vb pp] off to " in BNC.

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1 A rumour circulates and someone is shuffled off to some distant department .
2 Gerald Bellamy was posted to the squadron , having previously served with 3 A.A.C.U. He recalls : ‘ I was posted off to Takali and given cockpit drill in a Hurricane .
3 We were always hidden away somewhere , I was packed off to various boarding-schools , he gave us piles of money , he just did n't want to see us !
4 ‘ This time an X-ray revealed the damage and I was packed off to hospital for surgery . ’
5 We had ages together before I was taken off to the ward .
6 Adds Murray : ‘ I was hauled off to the station but allowed to go after agreeing to pay for the damage . ’
7 That thought had occurred to me before I was hauled off to Southwold police station for the interrogation .
8 Hidden from the user , the objects generate SQL commands which are fired off to the database .
9 Hidden from the user , the objects generate SQL commands which are fired off to the database .
10 When Dr Solomon is happy that he 's got your ailment sussed , you 're whisked off to the diseases database .
11 Subservience was expected by all levels of employer , titled or otherwise , and Marie Thwaites was one of a number of young men and women who were packed off to a life which was not only unacceptable by today 's standards , but hardly believable .
12 Here is a special Times supplement , no less , devoted to the future recovery of Lebanon in which I write of the ships returning to Beirut port , of the re-opening of central banking facilities , the renovations at the temples of Baalbek , the arrival of the first postwar tourists — Swedes , of course — who were bussed off to the ruins of the Palestinian camp of Tel al-Za'atar and then to the Bekaa .
13 ‘ He 's been here twice since you were carted off to hospital .
14 ‘ The sooner she 's packed off to New Zealand away from Ricky the better . ’
15 She finds time to sit down with the patient before she 's wheeled off to X-Ray , explaining exactly how the lung will be sealed off , that pain is inevitable and how it will be controlled .
16 Having performed a healing miracle , she is packed off to a remote convent .
17 So she was packed off to bloody England and came back with an Englishman .
18 She was packed off to bed by midnight but Mrs Burrows often worked patiently on till the early hours of the morning .
19 Then she was whisked off to lunch at the clubhouse .
20 After one or two formal speeches ( at which reference was made to our visit as the ‘ first short-term English course since the crushing of the Gang of Four ’ , and I tried to make a suitable reply , ) we were whisked off to the Friendship Hotel to a welcoming meal consisting of Peking duck , ancient duck 's eggs , and other good things , and I wielding our chopsticks to the best of our ability .
21 At the end of the EFL training course I did in London , a British Council type gave us all a pep talk before we were packed off to Ankara or Kuala Lumpur .
22 When they are 15 or 16 they are sent off to work as building labourers , clothing makers or worse .
23 Only the twins are able to convince the terrorist stone to renounce his plan , yet once the crisis has been averted they are sent off to school in Germany .
24 They are hauled off to a depot , to await their turn to be processed .
25 But on privatization , they were split off to be the watchdog for what we put into the rivers .
26 She looked after some children in their last year before they were packed off to boarding school .
27 Then they were whisked off to the museum , while we stayed at the hotel waiting for news of our flight to Nanking .
28 And William in there with fists flailing and Preston inevitably drawn in , too , as the fight spread until they were hauled off to the headmaster 's study for retribution ; he was a caning head and it was two strokes on each hand for a fight in the playground , four for the classroom .
29 The imagination of danger keeps us immersed in a story ; the adventurous court it in actual life ; the unadventurous relate with gusto how they were carried off to hospital with an undiagnosed and probably fatal illness , as a vivid patch in an otherwise uneventful life .
30 All guitars , from the cheapest acoustics to the top-of-the-range electrics are buzz-checked in soundproofed rooms ; their playing actions are measured and if any guitar falls below the proscribed tolerences it is sent off to be readjusted , perhaps even fret-dressed , before rechecking , packing and shipping .
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