Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [det] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 OK you can criticise Strach for that , but his main talents which are those that have benefited leeds most since his arrival are his passing and ability to take on men resulting in him or a team mate scoring .
2 Within a few decades , forests and animals had returned to the shattered islands which were all that remained of Krakatoa 's outer rim ; and from the waters between them emerged an ominous smoking mound , sometimes growing at a rate of more than three feet a month .
3 A few miles away , in three directions , lay the crescent islands of Verlaten , Lang Eiland and Rakata , which were all that remained of the original mother volcano 's metamorphosis .
4 My Lord er in paragraph three fourteen of the statement of claim there is an important fact er which is a fact that is admitted by the defendant which is this that had the defendant on the plaintiff 's behalf taken the opportunity which was open to the plaintiff by virtue of national condition twenty two which should say and served a special notice to complete upon the vendors on about the eighteenth or the twenty second of October , the contract would in fact have been rescinded on the thirteenth or the nineteenth of November nineteen eighty five and the plaintiff would therefore have been able to get out of the contract and that , as I say , is admitted in the amended dissent .
5 Anyway , that 's what he thought it was , which was all that mattered .
6 The Thun-Hohensteins had still to overcome a German bureaucratic hurdle : the customs officials could hardy believe that a German-Bohemian family driven out of Bohemia could want to give back to Decin a valuable painting which was all that remained of their former wealth .
7 And there are many that raise some slightly sad laughter .
8 We also recognise that there is a tremendous problem for deferred pensioners in achieving reasonable transfer values er er er it 's a massive problem for them , even where they could find perhaps something to do with that money and a scheme that would do them better , not always , because there , there are people that give bad advice , but there are some that go into it very thoroughly and when it comes down to the bit the transfer value they receive makes it im practically impossible for them to do it .
9 Not with all National Savings , there are some that do n't a apply the compound interest factor , you get the interest at the end on the sum that you put in at the beginning .
10 While many companies have a specific department with this title , there are those that take the view that marketing is the concern of all , while agreeing that the major role in providing market intelligence and identification is a commercial one .
11 There are a few that are changed before that and there are those that go beyond the legal limit .
12 There are those that relate directly to particular teaching subjects — new teaching packages and teaching methods in history or French or integrated science .
13 There are those that fulfil their childhood dreams , those that are talented and reach their goals early in life and are penalized because of their youth , as well as those who lack the courage to make their dreams a reality .
14 There are those that say bras are n't an appropriate subject for a vicar 's wife .
15 There are those that have gone back and erm er it was all right them shutting their eyes to what the the main the crux of the matter and saying , No no everything 's fine in the garden that 's just er trying to kid us but er I do n't think it will work .
16 Have a look and decide if there are any that seem to go together .
17 Ah well tha no Meadow Road 's got the old gates but at Natherton there were some that did n't have any barriers at all , they were just flashing lights .
18 Coloured , bleached , stonewashed , there 's little that has n't been done to denim .
19 There 's few that wear the Mark of Biron 's Hand
20 They 're real nice cards — there 's some that got pictures of a blue sky with a big white star and some men on a camel and that .
21 Er , there is a a little orange leaflet which has been placed on the seats during the day that many of you , I hope , already have er , for anyone who has n't may I perhaps place these on the front table , there 's a the , there 's another supply over there and , could I please ask that some responsible representative from each district would please take a few more of these away with you so that they are distributed in district meetings in the near future , and attention drawn to them there er , if there are not enough copies er , then I 'm sure the provincial office on receiving a , a request from you will make sure there 's more that passed on to you .
22 I 'm here because I believe that we share many objectives and because I know that there 's more that unites us than divides us .
23 Alexander Ramsay was back in his own house of Dalwolsey for Yuletide , and glad to be , for apart from the festive season 's celebrations , which he always enjoyed , there was much that required his attention as chief of a great lordship of many baronies , many manors and wide lands .
24 But although the name Roath is an ancient one — it means , in Irish , the forest and therefore dates back to a time when Welsh was borrowing words from Irish , around the 5th century — there was little that surrounded the young Cottle which was in fact medieval .
25 He has no hesitation in saying that the most difficult aspects of management for him are those that involve making decisions about people , whether it be a question of promotion , demotion or making somebody redundant .
26 Other examples from his list of claimed sense-qualifiers turn out to belong , instead , to a class of peculiarly restrictive adjectives which we discuss elsewhere ( Chapter 7 and also Ferris , in preparation ) : ( 31 ) their main faults our prime suspect he was named first citizen These adjectives , unlike most , are inherently restrictive , and select the particular entity to be identified by a speaker out of an already assumed body of entities ; thus the faults in the first example are not main faults in any general sense , as would be required if they were to be sense-qualifiers ; they are those that come out in front , relative to the background group of all their faults , relevant on the particular occasion where the expression is used .
27 They were all that remained of the men who had worked here on the Project .
28 It holds the blade at exactly the right angle to achieve optimum sharpness , and it 's this that makes the sharpener so quick and easy to use .
29 And it 's this that inspired the pair of them to set up the Thomas Appeal .
30 It 's these that make the difference . ’
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