Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adv] [to-vb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 I am here to listen and learn , my Lord Chairman , ’ she said in her clear and authoritative voice .
2 I think you will destroy them ; you are a ruthless woman ; how ruthless I am yet to know and am just beginning to discern .
3 I 'm here to protect and oversee everything . ’
4 I 'm here to observe and report and , who knows , even get laid and fall in love .
5 In alluding to Ronald Duncan and The Criterion , he was referring to a proposal by Duncan — with whom I had been in correspondence , though I did not meet him until after the war — that I should write for The Townsman ( a magazine which he edited from an ancient mill situated in a valley on the Devon/Cornish border , where I was later to live and write about ) , an article analysing the reasons why The Criterion , after flourishing for seventeen years , had so suddenly come to an end .
6 Tony Curtis was standing next to me so I said I was there to try and collect money from Mr Curtis .
7 Derain , although as early as 1904 he had executed a still life in which he seized in a more or less superficial way on some of the aspects of Cézanne 's art which were later to fascinate and influence the Cubists , did not begin to look at Cézanne really seriously until 1906 .
8 It 's better to make a new will then they do n't know what you had in before and nobody 's there to argue or question it .
9 Remember that as a care assistant , you are there to help and encourage people to do things , not to ‘ do ’ for them .
10 Mind you it was their ward and , and yo you were there to learn and they were there t to teach .
11 She is there to encourage and to react .
12 Elsewhere Genet writes of a 19-year-old , washing the clothes of his friend who is shortly to go and fight , declaring that he loves the revolution and all the fedayeen , but his friend especially : ‘ Yes .
13 But at this particular time we are here to support and assist in communication . ’
14 And we 're here to try and , alright if , if seven out of the ten that we look up tonight come through , we 've done well .
15 We 're not expecting trouble from them and we 're there to help and direct them into the areas where they can get into the ground .
16 If one is then to try and specify the grounds upon which it would be right for the court to intervene I do not for my part find it particularly helpful to speak in terms of special or extraordinary cases as distinct from normal cases .
17 If you are really good there is nowhere to go but up to where there is money to be made and awards to be won .
18 If you want to stay in the village on a low income there is nowhere to rent or buy .
19 A telephone message may have come to say that a parent has died , a letter saying that a wife is seeking a divorce , but there is nowhere to hide and be alone with sorrow .
20 There was nowhere to sit but on the narrow bed beside the fireplace .
21 They are there to supervise and help , but the key role is that of the care assistant .
22 But if they are really to grow and prosper , they need access to private capital , freed from the constraints of public ownership .
23 They were here to buy and sell .
24 Well I suppose it 's it 's just to try and find out different opinions on on different wars and things like that .
25 If we make an acquisition , it 's just to tune and complement our business , ’ he said .
26 We have got to live with it , hopefully we can put barriers up but it is here to stay and it will get worse .
27 But it is just to try and ask you to think ways in which you could help in this particular way in whichever way there is .
28 A brand new ILE-compatible C compiler has been announced , though it is yet to ship and there are statement of directions regarding REXX and Cobol Compilers .
29 Whenever they let a letter pass , it is only to encourage and watch for the answer .
30 That wee lad , and then the one from called about two o'clock he says I says he 's not in so and I says he 's away to swim or something what time did he go at ?
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