Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adv] [adj] say " in BNC.

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1 And furthermore , Mr Stevens , and I am very sorry to say this , I have noticed your father 's nose . ’
2 The erm safety on the transport yes I mean I am very happy to say that we will ask the , the staff to look at that and perhaps I can just clarify the meaning of that paragraph ah in four point eight when it says a m a new member of staff it means a new member of staff will be responsible for health and safety not just one person on his own .
3 I am never ashamed to say exactly what I am doing .
4 The self-employed mechanic who services my car — I am sometimes ashamed to say that I have a car — also sharpens sickles , sells strimmers and repairs motor cultivators .
5 I 'm rather ashamed to say that almost all of my friends are in the business .
6 Item five erm I 'm also pleased to say that er Chris was the only person nominated to be Honorary Treasurer and it would give me great pleasure er to propose that he be elected Honorary Treasurer and may I have a seconder for that proposal please .
7 I 'm hardly likely to say that they 're slim , am I , Stew ? ’ said Jack .
8 It 's something I 'm very proud to say that I am , cos I believe in equal rights and that 's what feminism is , is believing in equal rights for women .
9 ‘ They have some fabulous ideas and are definitely on course , I 'm very pleased to say . ’
10 I 'm very pleased to say that the union er involved had actually pursued the appeal even though the woman had died , and won the appeal posthumously so that the backdated pay could be given to the widower in that case .
11 These conclusions are very relevant , because now I 'm very sorry to say that , under pressure from a certain radicalism , these deeper , more complex analyses are being neglected and very individual , subjective views hold sway .
12 Erm we set up I think a very successful service and if I could just mention a sad note here , me some members will know who was the county occupational therapy coordinator largely designed the service here and I 'm very sorry to say that er she died the other day but her service is very much a tribute to her and we do in fact have a large number of people who will want to come and work for us as OTs because it is a good service and I 'm sure that you will agree with that .
13 But as important as our joint interests are our shared values and I think a very good example of this is our common approach , er er , to the question of the Social Chapter for which the Labour opposition led , I may say , by two leading G M B spokesmen Jack and George the Labour opposition has fought long and hard for this in parliament , indeed , we have secured a vote on the question er , after the Queen 's ascent , and last month , I myself , as a guest of the Danish social democrats , took the argument to the continent in the Danish referendum , in the second Danish ref referendum , which I 'm very glad to say was won !
14 Erm , we are indeed talking to Health Authority about the matters that were mentioned but can I come on to occupational therapists because I 'm very glad to say that erm we are able to recruit occupational therapists in this county .
15 I 'm very ashamed to say that most of my close friends , probably all of my close friends , are in the industry .
16 I 'm very happy to say that the lawyers did n't make a penny off this , ’ said Herwald .
17 I was almost sorry to say goodbye to him .
18 Syl was away all day with our host , shooting something , and I was too shy to say I was tired and would like to go and sleep in my room .
19 But I remembered him and I did n't like him , you know , not really , only I was too well-bred to say so to anyone .
20 ‘ He spoke about how he had appreciated the colleagueship of the Methodist pastor in Crackow and I was then able to say that there were indeed Methodists in Italy and the Protestant Church , although small in number is quite significant , particularly in its work among refugees and migrant workers .
21 Rangers boss Gerry Francis said : ‘ I was very disappointed to say the least to come in 1–0 down at half-time .
22 I was very proud to say that finished in second place , a very creditable performan achievement , as I am sure members will agree .
23 Well when I was about sixteen say .
24 What we 're after , I think , is what you are naturally inclined to say , without conceptual hindsight .
25 You 're always free to say NO !
26 I just know it , even though you 're too nice to say it to my face . ’
27 Yeah I can still see you in flaming two year 's time simply because you 're too frightened to say anything to him , to my son .
28 Now , I think you 're quite bold to say that in this company !
29 Moreover , it was those that were most likely to suffer long periods of unemployment and non-employment and for whom early retirement was a realistic option , i.e. those aged 60–64 , who were most likely to say that it would be very effective in dealing with unemployment : 46 per cent , compared with 34 per cent of the 55–59 age-group and 30 per cent of those under 30 .
30 She manages her husband , who is rather eccentric to say the least , in a manner which suggests that he is officially still the head of the house .
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