Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [art] [noun sg] we " in BNC.

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1 In our society we would normally not interpret a phrase like that wrongly , because everyday usage confirms that when we say someone is an ass we mean they have been rather stupid .
2 ‘ Dear me , when I was a child we went to church twice every Sunday .
3 When I was a child we had two bay-coloured horses , and I later got to know them very well .
4 When I was a child we used to play this slightly differently in that the key was ‘ glass ’ .
5 When I was a girl we moved to Swindon .
6 And publisly , publicly and forcibly on that day , which is a date we should be celebrating the forty fifth anniversary of our National Health Service , instead we will have to demonstrate to save our National Health Service .
7 erm so I mean for example with something like statistics that covers different techniques and activities from , you know , different books erm something like erm something like social most of it comes out of that which is a thing we did because people were experiencing difficulty with it so we thought well right we 'll , we 'll , we 'll sort of anchor the syllabus mostly to , you know , one particular book erm so different , different staff use different techniques , some people ha have drawn on a whole variety of things and , and , and some people have just drawn on one erm I think the main priority is to try and do some coursework though in your case erm
8 Unless she has money of her own — which is an eventuality we can ignore for practical purposes — she is in extreme difficulty .
9 If all firms behave in a similar way to this , then we can say that aggregate investment in the economy will depend on changes in aggregate demand — both of these have to be measured in value terms and since the value of aggregate demand in equilibrium is the same as national income , we have which is the expression we started with .
10 Similarly , a figure of three lines enclosing a space , which is the idea we have of a triangle , has various properties as a consequence of being constructed in that way , properties such as having internal angles equal to two right angles , and external angles equal to internal opposites .
11 You see , there are two ways to get to Fedorov 's : the road , which is the way we went , and the towpath , which on foot is actually quicker , but impassable by carriage .
12 Neither semantics nor logic requires V P structure , a priori , that is there 's no particular reason why you 'd expect verb phrase structuring in particular from either of those two enterprises , because either could get by with er either the flat structure Florence teased Dougal , that 's the structure in T three three separate constituents , or teased Florence Dougal where teased is one constituent and Florence Dougal is another which is the way we most standardly do it calculus and that works fine .
13 Which is the stuff we 've had pre before , most of which was centrally collected , yeah ?
14 which is the price we were looking at , it 's not too cheap and it 's not too expensive
15 I mean if you ask what happens when electrons drop down from one orbit to another inside the atom , the emit light , which is the thing we are familiar with , but erm physicists tend to think of this as particles which they call photons .
16 So I can now move on to the next page which is the growth we 're proposing , given the saving , given the splendid things that are allowed by the erm , by the .
17 so that , that will be quite good , erm and lastly we went to meet with Sandra from Youth Out , fund employed theatrical fund , which was a meeting we were n't really allowed to have , and this is certainly not for the record
18 The man gave a grunt , which was the permission we had been waiting for , and I ran all the way back to my flat to change and conduct the concert .
19 We need pairs for the canoes and if you 're a no-show we have a disappointed guest .
20 ‘ Why , she 's the girl we waved to just now ! ’ cried one of the Brownies , gazing hard at Brenda
21 Who 's the person we 're meant to focus on ?
22 She says when she was a child we thought it 's just a few joint pains .
23 Do you imagine that we are the way we are about money because of mother or because we would have been like that anyway ? ’
24 Now you know why we are the way we are .
25 We 're a bit we 're a bit thick !
26 We 're the trigger we 've got to try and schedule three pickups three baggings a day .
27 There 's no doubt we will benefit if the American economy recovers and consumer confidence starts to build .
28 ‘ Although we 're currently in the trough of the cycle , there 's no doubt we have assets at our disposal across all our businesses which will allow us to take on and beat the best of the competition .
29 I realise there 's no guarantee we could have a baby straight away , of course , but — ’
30 There 's no way we can bury our heads in the sand and pretend the problem does n't exist .
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