Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [prep] [art] next " in BNC.

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1 If Michael Ryan is n't around , if it simply looks impossible , the whole thing , I 'm on the next boat back to Belfast and over the border and safe in Dublin before you know it . ’
2 Richard Kahan , the Battery Park commissioner , awarded Olympia & York the contract when Reichmann guaranteed payment of several hundred million on the city 's bonds which were due the next year .
3 But it helps even more if we understand what his purpose is , which is in the next verse : ‘ Those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son , that he might be the firstborn among many brothers . ’
4 On the same day that Scott was appointed architect for the new India Office , 1st January , 1859 , came the opening of the controversy which was for the next thirty months to dominate the campaign to rebuild the Foreign Office .
5 And you see doing th er that er junior the junior school In the earlier junior school we were at the church as well , which was on the next street , St John 's Church at Mansfield .
6 Once she 'd received her recall from Lord C , she was aboard the next trans-Atlantic seaplane from New York to Lisbon .
7 Myeloski , who was in the next room , heard him return .
8 Yeah we 're onto the next area
9 We 're on the next tape
10 well we 're in a next week .
11 The nearest one is in the next townland and my bicycle has a puncture .
12 " It 's quite easy — they 're on the next floor down .
13 girls they go shopping like but they always got another carrier did n't they until they got sold and then when er they 're on the next road from their house like take the carrier and it 's all for her .
14 OK , so will it be in the next announcement or is it in there already and IBM Corp just has n't told anybody about it yet ?
15 Those people whose names you 've just , you 've given me their details from , could I ask you er if the next time you see them if it 's within the next few days or certainly erm if , if you could over the next day or two give them a ring just to let them know that I do intend to contact them , I 'll probably contact them within the next week or so .
16 It 's in the next valley .
17 That was better for us because it 's in the next district and meant they had to do the work and not us . ’
18 It 's in the next Olympics .
19 Oh it 's it 's sorry it 's round the next corner .
20 The physical act of training breaks down part of the muscle exercised , and it is during the next 24–72 hours that the muscles recover and begin to grow .
21 It is in the next stage , from the age of about twelve years , that children develop the skills of formal thought and logical reasoning .
22 ‘ He — he 's in the next room . ’
23 Well it was for the next two years .
24 But it was during the next year that observers noticed that King Charles himself had become so fond of Berkeley that he was now one of the principal royal favourites , and perhaps the greatest .
25 It was during the next 8 years that he began to experience the first stirrings of an interest destined to change his life beyond all imaginings .
26 It was over the next few years that he started to produce his finest work .
27 It was in the next stage , when writing came to carry an increasing proportion of law , learning , religion and history , previously carried in oral forms , that very marked cultural divisions , already socially present in preliterate societies , became , as it were , technically stabilized .
28 Now the depot office the they in those days controlled what a man 's duties were for the next day and a man did n't know what he was on until about twelve o'clock one day what he was on the next day .
29 He was in the next incubator at Guy 's hospital to first victim Dean Bunn .
30 It 's when you 've been flying them for a few days consecutively that it ( pardon the pun ) dawns on them that they could escape and find out what 's over the next hill .
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