Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adj] in its " in BNC.

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1 If our compound has already been characterized , any bands which are present in its vibrational spectrum but are not found in that of a pure sample may be assigned to impurities .
2 Search is never monotonic if the description of a state can include negations of assertions which are true in its children .
3 The term " media relations " refers to the communication pattern between an organisation and those sections of the media which are interested in its activities .
4 Within its band , each insect is particularly sensitive to the frequencies of sounds which are significant in its life , and in many cases these are the sounds of wings .
5 Section 17 of the SGSA inserts a new subsection 3A in s 7 of the UCTA , which is equivalent in its operation to s 6(1) of the UCTA , and thus prevents exclusion of liability for breach of the warranties implied by s 2 of the SGSA .
6 Such findings have serious implications for curriculum planning and provision : children are entitled to a curriculum which is consistent in its quality across all subjects , not just those accorded most time .
7 CA-Ret is being included with various CA products , and is a full writer , which is available in its own right .
8 But if we want to adopt an approach to family life which is Christ-centred in its essence , we must ask how we are to glorify God in the relationship of parents to children and children to parents .
9 It is faced with the revenue , armed with the coercive power of the state , including what is in practice a power to charge interest which is penal in its effect .
10 In the aftermath of the Maria Colwell tragedy a report by the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work took this concept as its title and stated that ‘ good enough parenting involves , among other things , a capacity to provide continuity of love and care which is realistic in its expectations of both parent and child and deals with ‘ real ’ conflicts of interests and not those whose origins lie only in the parents ' past' ( CCETSW , 1978 ) .
11 The argument of this chapter has been to suggest that a distinctive mode of rationality , which is postmodernist in its opposition to the principles of the Weberian/Fordist organization pattern , may have emerged in some aspects of post-war Japan .
12 Social research covers a range of activities each of which is different in its time and resource implications as well as in its functions .
13 In the case of the CAP , the taxpayer is supporting a system which is unmatched in its waste , its inefficiency and its harmful social , economic and environmental effects .
14 In addition , it throws up a syntactic-semantic distinction which is important in its own right and which will make its presence felt in the other adjectival positions also .
15 From being polite strangers they had become like sparring lovers speaking their minds with a familiarity which was extraordinary in its intensity .
16 Yet a civilization existed between 1880 and 1945 , reaching its greatest coherence and strength just before 1914 , which was European in its origins although already transplanted to North and South America and the British white colonies and although unevenly spread among European countries themselves .
17 Both had particular experience which was overwhelming in its impact upon them .
18 The appointment , which was controversial in its own right , was part of a wider constitutional controversy which saw Mulroney appoint 24 new senators within a month .
19 The dining-room had a Victorian sash window which was loose in its frame .
20 The first programme we watched after it was installed was one my father would have loved , about old sailing-ships and the life of our ancestor , the poet-sailor William Falconer , who wrote a long poem , The Shipwreck , which was popular in its day .
21 Latin American philosophers who were interested in its potential for eliminating poverty made no attempt to formulate a ‘ scientific ’ programme for political action on the part of the working classes .
22 Stainless itself is expensive in its sheet form , and is not easy to cut , press or weld .
23 This love was a new pattern , a new Catastrophe Theory and she was happy in its embrace .
24 Prior to the meeting , delegates spoke openly about their differences , and the summit itself was notable in its decision to open its proceedings to journalists .
25 It 's pleasurable and it 's surprising in its detail .
26 She added : ‘ But I suppose it 's splendid in its way .
27 It 's safe in its own field .
28 But nevertheless it 's bold in its way .
29 One of the interesting things about Channel Four is that it is pluralistic in its programming : plug in when you feel like it .
30 Mostly it is successful in its aim , for the juvenile liaison police estimate that very few youngsters reappear before them .
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