Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [adj] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Some of them are frail physically but are as bright as a button in their minds .
2 Now again if you take a good look round the retired people in town there is , you just sit down on one of those benches in town and watch people for a bit , and you 'll see that a lot of them are deteriorating physically and that is making them , making it difficult for them to get about socially , shopping- wise and so on .
3 Susan insists that none of them are big enough and Cheryl is equally insistent that the right sized one is .
4 ‘ There is time enough yet to tell you of that , ’ she said ‘ I am tired now and must rest .
5 I am powerful precisely because I understand how habit trammels the mind 's energy , d'ye see ?
6 Community policing will be further marginalised with priority going to intermediate response type of incidents I am confident however that this council will make some crucial and vitally important decisions during the next er budget rounds and the importance of policing an inadequately funded service will be unanimously supported .
7 Oh , then I am young again and , for one of the few occasions in my life , deeply in love .
8 But I am mindful in the midst of my own troubles ma'am that you are not in good health for Miss Blagden has told me so and I am sorry to hear it and to think of you unable to leave your room and I am sorry too that the Rome winter does not prove as gentle as you had hoped .
9 ‘ There are discussions in Belgrade tonight and I am convinced now that we will go . ’
10 I am glad therefore that the idea of appointed or co-opted members as well as magistrates seen now to be pretty widely accepted if I understand the Noble Lord , Lord 's amendment .
11 If I were still at Bewick , I should still have my vision of myself quite obliterated by your violent view of how I should be , but I am free now and you can not put the chains back on , it is too late , I am growing up . ’
12 He said : ‘ I am 24 now and I am signed up for the next five years .
13 I am optimistic now that we 've got a stable base for the next year , and I 'm always optimistic for the year after !
14 As I argued in Chapter 5 , I am doubtful both whether such a condition really occurs at all , and whether , if it were to exist , drugs are ever likely to be developed which can help it .
15 If a man starts droning on about whether I 'm sisterly enough or not , I start talking about my hopes of marrying a rich , masterful husband and learning to cook Baked Alaska .
16 I 'm honest too but I can still tell a joke .
17 The only problem is that I 'm tired sometimes and write more or less whatever comes into my head .
18 I 'm disappointed more than anybody that he went off .
19 Myra Hindley has been in prison for my whole life : I 'm twenty-two now and she 's been in for twenty-two years .
20 I 'm sorry now that I ever went .
21 Well I 'm sorry like but I was getting a few interruptions on the landing
22 ‘ Yes , I 'm pregnant again and … ’
23 The the first question is this is this thing about nerves is n't it because that 's the first feeling you have when you got up get up here is and as said I 'm dry already and I have n't even been up there and done it yet the voice is dry and you know then you feel a bit shaky and all that sort of thing and why do we why do we feel nervous ?
24 I 'm OK now that you 're here , Clive darling .
25 I 'm fine now and looking forward to getting home for a few days .
26 But I 'm 20 now and I still have n't grasped it yet . ’
27 Mm Yeah we 've been found it really difficult finding a baby sitter really I 'm surprised ever since we 've had Lisa we 've been really bad uh uh actually having baby sitters and you know actually making the effort to go out really .
28 Er I 'm frustrated obviously but you know we all all managers go through this at some stage .
29 But I 'm happy now that I did n't sign with them . ’
30 ‘ Suffice it to say that I 'm older even than that . ’
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