Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] she will [verb] " in BNC.

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1 By paying her 30s. a week and taking this promise from her that she will maintain herself and will not pledge his credit , he has an added safeguard to protect himself from all this worry , trouble and expense .
2 Can I honestly reassure her that she will come to no harm in pursuing this phenomenon ?
3 It is almost as if he feels he need only ask the lady in question to join him and she will have no hesitations about accepting his offer .
4 ‘ Go to your lady , and ask her if she will receive me . ’
5 ‘ It is going to be a colossal year for her and she will need to draw on every positive lesson she has ever learned if she is to get through it . ’
6 If the property contains only one adult , then he or she will pay only 75% of the bill of a two adult household .
7 Warning the child that he or she will go to bed at the end of the programme is much more likely to produce a successful outcome . )
8 I expect many mothers have had the experience of standing at the sink washing and re-washing dishes because a teenage son or daughter is standing in the kitchen talking about something important , and once the dish-washing is over , he or she will go away .
9 This tactic goes against many of our instincts ; when confronted with a difficult audience member , we may tend to ignore the person in the vain hope that he or she will go away .
10 It 's so much easier to leave a child in the hands of a babysitter if you know that he or she will go to bed without fuss .
11 Decide if you want reception photographs and ask the photographer if he or she will cover them .
12 That means for a regular punter , however , that over a period of time , for every £100 staked he or she will end up with £88 in pocket .
13 teacher 's nose he or she will think it 's a brilliant laugh to give you so much detention that you 'll be lucky to leave the class in time to pick up your pension .
14 Once a person has become unemployed for any length of time , the chances are that he or she will continue to be unemployed .
15 Instead of a young person being sentenced to a period in custody , which means that it is all too likely that he or she will continue in a life of crime , become a professional criminal and never get out of the criminal world , the alternative makes both moral and economic sense .
16 He or she will continue to have a duty to maintain the child notwithstanding the care order ( see p192 ) .
17 In the minority of cases in which the child does not return home , he or she will remain in care up to the age of 18 if necessary .
18 When a Building Control Officer tests a drain , he or she will carry out either an air test or a water test .
19 Even Wordsworth , who had never been there , took it on himself to describe it as " terrific as the lair where the young lions couch " , then went on to say that if the " pensive votary enters Gordale at " shadowy eve when the air glimmers with fading light " , he or she will meet " a local deity with oozey hair and mineral crown " .
20 He or she will hope to secure a job that involves the initiation of policies from the party 's programme .
21 If necessary , he or she will advise on the detailed layout of the cash books , and suggest that he or she reviews them occasionally to ensure their adequacy .
22 A solicitor will tell you whether you have a case and what your chances of succeeding in any claim might be ; he or she will advise you where — Court or Tribunal — and will explain the procedure and steps to be taken throughout , and will represent you in negotiations with your employer if you wish .
23 It should be clear that if a child is placed in an ethnically insensitive white community he or she will fail to develop the mechanisms necessary to survive in a racist society .
24 As the accountant will , if required , help produce the annual accounts , he or she will want to ensure that adequate .
25 He or she will want to be convinced that you are serious in intent , and will also want to be reassured of your staying power .
26 On your first visit to the doctor , he or she will want to confirm your suspicions by running a pregnancy test on a sample of your urine .
27 Thus , someone who knows that he or she will want to buy dollars ( with pounds ) in three months time could either agree a price for that transaction now ( that is , buy in the forward market ) or wait three months and buy in the ‘ spot ’ market ( the market in which foreign exchange is bought and sold immediately , or ‘ on the spot ’ ) .
28 ‘ You mean as long as I clean the bath , he or she will leave me in peace , right ? ’
29 As your child grows he or she will pass from the totally secure , almost self-contained , world of the Lower Primary Department where we lay the basic foundations of the entire curriculum , good work habits , and mutual respect , into a carefully planned and ever widening educational experience .
30 Thus , he or she will tend to resolve the crisis rather than use it as a lever towards treatment .
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