Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] they [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 They cripple you or they kill you .
2 Cos they do n't half hammer you and if they catch up with you once they watch you like a hawk .
3 ‘ They want to show you that they trust you . ’
4 They only entertain you if they know you 're going to buy their ponies . ’
5 But the jury of neighbours who decide upon your fertility might not look too kindly upon you if they think you are going to bring up your children as Jehovah 's Witnesses or Servants of Baal , or use the terror of hell as a way of controlling them : or beat the soles of their feet if they get the Koran wrong .
6 a lot of these places , they start you if they think you 've had experience and all that , but it do n't always work as well as them that ai n't had experience .
7 Even if you 're in a non-union company , they will fight for you if they think you 've got a case .
8 driving along , keep to the left except when road signals or markings indicate otherwise or when you intend to overtake , or turn right , or when you have to pass stationery vehicles or pedestrians in the road , allow others to overtake you if they want you , you must not drive on by the side of the road .
9 See basically if a customer objects , you 're about to cover the , the fact that if the customer objects , say come back to canvassing for a minute , you get somebody , you phone somebody up and they say , urgh , urgh , and they just mumble away and they listen to you and they do n't listen to you , right , it 's a waste of bloody time , but if they talk to you and they give you objections and you deal with these objections , right , they 're bound to buy
10 and they 've stopped this on you and they expect you to pay all this amount of money I do n't know
11 Some people do tend to run away from you , they 're afraid of you because they think you 're wild .
12 They wo n't come up to you because they think you 're dirty , because you got pregnant and you 're only fourteen or fifteen , but if you 're seventeen or eighteen it does n't matter , you 're old .
13 Bodie said , ‘ I just wanted to get a look at you before they spirit you away .
14 ‘ It must have been terrible for you when they told you there was nothing more they could do , ’ Juliet said quickly .
15 Well they wo n't know you when they see you this afternoon . ’
16 The men times the hours when whenever you whenever you get your answer , you can check that your men times the hours must still still be the same as it was when you when they gave you the question .
17 I always reckon it 's tremendously flattering that viewers want to talk to you when they meet you in the street .
18 When I got there they moaned about all the clothes and stuff I had , because you have to take everything with you when they move you about .
19 People want to hear you as they know you , not with a false accent .
20 No this is the o yeah , this is the one that they sent you see ?
21 I think that was a different boat to the one that they showed you on the telly .
22 Presumably you have your first one when they hand you the bill for £195 .
23 And , of course , that was something so different for me because they treated you like one of themselves .
24 Everyone was friendly and said ‘ Hello ’ when you passed by on the street ; in Kingston you knew everybody and they knew you .
25 The Business Plan goes back with the letter because they will require a copy of the business plan so that they when they see you at three , six , twelve and eighteen months
26 erm , only that sort of rules , probably a big advantage I think of staying in er sixth form is that erm you know the staff , you know the system and it and they know you , erm if you go
27 You can tell they like it because they tell you so .
28 Amazing how people 's attitude change towards it when they learn you got
29 Evidently I did not see fighters go down that day but I know they did but this was a first realization as if there was somebody up there to kill me and I guess this is the point at which you realize that you are going to kill them before they kill you and all of a sudden we are in combat all our lives and we take a complete change in outlook from everything because up to now everything had been practise and training just for this except we did not have that realization that they are there to kill us , who 's gon na be killed first ?
30 Or to get them before they get you .
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