Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] would [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 Pascoe was walking through their house , ten years before , going from room to room , first puzzled , then anxious , then searching for something that would explain her absence .
2 In her early days , looking for something that would make her consultancy just that little bit different , she chose to have an all-women agency .
3 She looked wistfully up the companionway to the square of blue sky , but fought the urge to go up on deck , scared he might ask her to do something that would reveal her ignorance .
4 Working among books was , on the face of it , a ladylike occupation , Mrs Broome had thought , and one that would bring her daughter into contact with a refined , intellectual type of person .
5 She went into the hall , glad of anything that would take her mind from Dana for a few minutes .
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