Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Now , without constraints , it is possible to develop and explore aspects of ourselves that may never have emerged before .
2 You 've got nothing that would even attract a body-starved sailor ; even in your young days you were really nothing .
3 It has very much the same facilities as Delta Five , but is single-user rather than allowing several people to work on the same data , and also has a lower limit on the number of records , transaction files , and so on ; nothing that would really present a problem , unless you were trying to use the system for a fairly large system , in which case you should be using Delta Five .
4 And they 're all nice engines but there is nothing that will ever get anywhere near the V twelve .
5 Nothing that can possibly matter much .
6 Everyone that would beautifully imitate nature should well consider the diversity of trees , the size and shape of leaves and the many shades of green .
7 At the beginning of the play Angelo , the deputy judge who rules over Vienna in the Duke 's absence , is a man of severe habits , whose austerity suppresses desire in himself and would utterly eradicate it in others .
8 Clutterbuck was an architect manqué himself and would obviously have seen their pattern books , including the one from which this design derives : Chinese and Gothick Architecture Properly Ornamented .
9 There is nothing a five-year-old likes better than being read to , although he may spend considerable time looking at books himself and may even pretend to read .
10 He really enjoys himself and will happily stay on afterwards for drinks .
11 Farmers argued that as their day already began at sunrise , they would gain nothing and would also lose an hour for their workers insisted on finishing at the same time as town dwellers .
12 He will strike against me and may well try to hurt you .
13 Birth parents have to wait for adoptees to choose to contact them and may therefore experience feelings of desperation and anticipation around the time when the adoptee would be 18 years old .
14 Although the females ' ranges are smaller than those of individual males they overlap those of several of them and may therefore turn up in more than one male community ; females in oestrus range widely , consorting with a male for a few days .
15 They were very quiet and sad at first , because I would be leaving them , but I promised I would never forget them and would often return to visit them .
16 Most reptiles , having buried or concealed their eggs in some way , abandon them , but a few stay beside them and will valiantly defend them against robbers .
17 Display your children 's art lesson masterpieces round the room — it will encourage and gratify them and will certainly provide talking points .
18 Your local vet will also advise you and will probably have leaflets in his or her surgery that have been published by the various pet food manufacturers .
19 Even though I 'm not one to go out , some days you wish you did n't have someone dependent on you and could just go out and about .
20 Training was good in itself and would undoubtedly help individuals to get jobs .
21 It breeds rapidly — a single female may produce 200–300 offspring in one year — and its mass production and distribution present few difficulties , although it does not thrive everywhere , is subject to disease and predation itself and may sometimes eat the wrong prey .
22 This is all the more important because multimedia is not a discrete technology or a communications medium in itself and could potentially have an important role in many different industry sectors .
23 Studies published in the National Geographic Society 's journal Research & Exploration show that the phenomenon thought to account for the warming at night — increased cloud cover — is probably caused by the warming itself and will thus continue to moderate the effect as long as the warming continues by keeping day temperatures lower .
24 It will cost him nothing but will greatly benefit him , as well as homeowners .
25 A spokesman for Home & Overseas — the company which organises the AA insurance Pat bought — stresses the importance of covering everything that could possibly go wrong on a ski holiday .
26 But I do not consider it reasonable to expect the theist to prove the existence of God , something that would effectively remove the element of trust which I have also highlighted .
27 It would be something that would vastly improve I think the , the link of the new hospital to the medical centre without going around over Bridge .
28 So I suppose I 'm introducing something that would only exist if you started next week .
29 Good God , he thought , I should like to do something that would really make her jump out of her skin for once .
30 Sufferers frequently know the exact time of their last drink and may remember their very first introduction to alcohol as a very special experience , something that may clearly differentiate them from the non-addictive population .
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