Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [pers pn] be be " in BNC.

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1 Exactly , my cat , it mine when it was good and yours when it was being horrible .
2 It really worries me that we are being exposed like this . ’
3 Several experts who I consulted tell me that he 's being modest again .
4 While I understand your difficulties , Sue , it seems to me that you 're being defeatist .
5 Sonia : Seriously right , if you go to another white teacher or somebody , and tell them that they 're being prejudiced against you , they 'll make out it 's not , that it 's another reason .
6 Possibly there were moments when Henry persuaded himself that he was being betrayed .
7 erm last year we introduced a Home Care charge , based on attendance allowance , and a number of families of elderly people got in touch with me and they 're were obviously particular reasons why the charge could n't be fairly levied to them .
8 at the the time I think when I was n't being assertive and when I was n't the difference was the person was younger than me and I was being assertive and then when I perhaps was n't and like said you feel after that you 've let yourself down .
9 Excuse me , he thought , addressing himself to her , excuse me if I 'm being personal , but when was your last laugh ?
10 Children and young people have a right not to be mistreated , and are entitled to expect that adults will intervene to help them if they are being abused or neglected .
11 Apparently we had made so much noise when we returned separately the night before that we had wakened everyone and we were being thrown out .
12 This should be done with sensitivity , however , as it may cause anxiety should the neophyte teacher feel that she or he is being assessed in teaching skills , especially if the member of teaching staff is unfamiliar .
13 ‘ You were well paid then and I would remind you that you 're being well paid this time . ’
14 That would be your English side coming out ; I rather prefer you when you are being Italian .
15 There was one that you were being paid by Jack Hermon to keep a eye on us all .
16 Some decided that they would not pay the poll tax , but the people about whom I worry are those such as the elderly lady suffering from a form of senile dementia who came to me because she was being harassed about the poll tax .
17 Dressing for the afternoon , she wondered what Mrs Darrell was like , and whether she was worth all the tohu-bohu of preparing a slap-up tea , and being formally ‘ At Home ’ , which had resulted in even more work for McAllister , as Sally-Anne was increasingly beginning to think herself when she was being a maid of all work .
18 I can picture him now , a tall lean figure in a helmet , smoking his pipe as he watched the horses being saddled or inspected them while they were being fed ; 1 can see him cleaning his rifle in the verandah of his tent , or sitting chatting with my mother by the fire in the evening .
19 ‘ I thought I 'd persuaded him that he was being foolish . ’
20 Rumour became reality when my father received a cold , official letter telling him that he was being sent to a place called Fontanellato .
21 All those years ago after we 'd been friends for a couple of months or so ( and he 'd borrowed quite a bit more money off me ) , I confessed to him that I was being persecuted by a thug called Dudley .
22 This indicated to her that she was being associated with occult and New Age practitioners , since becoming a registered Aromatherapist .
23 Instinct told her that she was being hunted .
24 After checking that the proper procedures had been followed and that the incident had been fully recorded , Rachel contacted Louise Raymond , the factory welfare officer , and asked her to telephone the man 's wife and inform her that he was being admitted to hospital .
25 During the next fortnight , she divided her attentions equally between him and Dunbar , but , she whispered to Harry one evening in the back of the Bentley , she would much prefer to be with him and she was being nice to Pogo only because she did n't want to hurt his feelings .
26 At one point there were five people attacking him and he was being punched and kicked .
27 Larry is with her and she 's being very brave .
28 Then raging darkness overwhelmed her and she was being smashed , pounded to pieces , and it would be better when she died properly and could n't feel it any more .
29 I do miss Rosa , and I am not able to go and see her because she is being looked after by my friend , Bill Purves at Clove Lodge , the next farm to Low Birk Hatt .
30 Flanking him as it were is the wife of another familiar figure and quintet member , Virginsky .
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