Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [modal v] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It is simply not the case that pensioners in such schemes will get nothing or will be left penniless , as the hon. Gentleman well knows .
2 Now the problem with that model of proceeding is that you then end up with you can end up with the exploitation of complain procedures for a wide variety of , not all of which you want to countenance , and some of the universities ' and colleges ' experience of trying to run complaint procedures in connection with sexual harassment has been deciding when to try to cool someone down and when a complaint is someone that should be run along with .
3 It was produced for the Bank of Scotland , Clydesdale Bank as well as ourselves and will be released to branches in Scotland in the near future .
4 As our work has sometimes been interpreted as conflicting with that of Labov , it should be noted here that the above characterization of the speech community is fundamentally of the same type as his and can be seen as derivative from his insights .
5 There was nothing that would be exempted from rigorous examination .
6 There was , as far as he could see , nothing that need be identified or admired or paused over : just bare grey rock sheering down to a narrow track which was used for the most part by packhorses and even then not often .
7 It seemed there was nothing that could be done .
8 Lucille took a last look in the mirror , decided there was nothing that could be done to make herself any more elegant or beautiful , and so picked up her small bag that contained the precious pasteboard ticket .
9 It was virtually desert country , the irrigation channels blocked with debris , nothing that could be called a tree to be seen anywhere .
10 That realisation is a product of the power of rational thought which came to the emerging ‘ human' ’ being in the course of the evolutionary process , for it is in remote retrospect that man can now see that the division of the first cell was a ‘ good ’ event , and had to be defined as such for the unanswerable reason that it could not have been anything else , otherwise there was nothing that could be defined as the origin of ‘ good ’ that was not dependent on dogma and superstition .
11 Pleasant as the round of meetings had been , there was next to nothing that could be agreed as a common objective for the final communiqué .
12 Nothing that could be labelled as a breach of client-confidentiality , but enough to engage her attention .
13 Nothing for the archives and nothing that could be sold off , this bric-a-brac had obviously been stored against the possibility of some surviving and previously untraced relative appearing to claim it .
14 He turned to look at Myeloski , peering urgently out of the window as the traffic stacked up and made movement impossible , and knew that he had nothing in common with these people , nothing that could be shared because of his blood .
15 There was nothing that could be used for a cradle so obviously she intended keeping it in bed with her , but Sarah had heard tales of babies being smothered like that and she was surprisingly anxious that her newly expected brother or sister would n't end up that way .
16 Clare baked nothing that could be found at the local baker and charged what she considered exorbitant prices , which people seemed happy to pay in cash .
17 There was nothing that could be adapted for lock-picking , not even a paperclip .
18 But Professor Alan Budd , chief economic adviser to Barclays Bank , said of the Government 's predicament : ‘ In the short run there is nothing that can be done .
19 If other people have had other experiences , if if they share erm , er Nelly 's er belief there that there is nothing that can be done about it ? 's the number to dial and we 'll have some more calls in a moment .
20 I think any feminist movement in Britain should take on board the fact that Ireland is a colony and the fact that there is a lot of denial that goes on , people pretending it is n't happening , and saying there 's nothing that can be done .
21 From the drafter 's point of view there is clearly nothing that can be done to save a clause rendered ineffective by the Act ; however , where a clause is subject to a test of reasonableness ( which will be more common in relation to clauses included in standard terms ) the drafter should try to ensure that the clause can satisfy the test .
22 He says the otters that have swallowed a lot of oil may be so ill there 's nothing that can be done .
23 She said a real man is someone who knows what he 's about , who knows himself and can be relaxed about himself , and I think the same could be said about the ideal guest .
24 I got the impression that he was personally not keen to stand himself but could be persuaded .
25 This requires that the accounts sent to members under section 238 shall be sent not less than 28 days before the end of the period allowed for laying and delivery of them and shall be accompanied by notice of their right to require them to be laid before a general meeting .
26 These people can not really be criticised for doing their best with the resources available to them and could be brought into the new developments .
27 Well , a nation that equates women with guns is a nation that is addicted to them and should be cured , hospitalised .
28 As Jock Young suggests , ‘ it is not the criminal nor even the administration of crime , but , in the final analysis , the system itself that must be investigated ’ .
29 Within a few days they were ready to invite Poole to a dinner of roast pork and potatoes — cooked in the baker 's oven because the cottage had none that could be used — and at the end of January a letter to John Prior Estlin described with quiet enthusiasm the clear brook which ran before the cottage door , a pretty garden — ‘ large enough to find us vegetables and employment ’ — and an orchard lying beyond which was about to become home for some ducks and geese , as well as two pigs .
30 Use a red pencil to underline the things you think are not so good for you and should be restricted .
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