Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [pron] be of " in BNC.

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1 They told me that it was of no use to me any more and that I 'd be better off letting them have it .
2 All this mental harassment has affected me so much that my doctor has warned me that I 'm of the edge of a nervous breakdown .
3 His Mother tells me that he is of a mechanical turn , and I know that he has made some progress in mathematics .
4 Once a Met Officer remarked cheerfully to me ( from the warmth and light of the office ) , that the rats were much more frightened of me than I was of them , but I noticed that he did n't take me up on my suggestion that he should come out with me and see for himself .
5 There was no danger … he was more frightened of me than I was of him … but that 's not the point … if it had been an old lady … he coulde have given her a heart attack …
6 Section 34(2) provides for the application to be made by the authority or the child and the question has been raised whether the child , in that context , means the child himself if he is of sufficient age and understanding to make the application .
7 Five males , who had accompanied them and who were of lower stock , had been hobbled together to follow the cart .
8 ‘ But it 's not very nice to take a convicted criminal into your home and then to have him tell you that you 're of little consequence . ’
9 ‘ They are probably as frightened of you as you are of them . ’
10 ‘ I think , ’ she added , ‘ that your father wants to be as proud of you as he was of your moth-er .
11 Those more experienced than Marie in practising acts of intimidation and violence could have told her that it is of ten a mistake to delay , to let your victims talk to you .
12 He 's not taking any more notice of her than he is of me .
13 ‘ … burst upon the scene , and , do you know , he looked so angry that I was more frightened of him than I was of his grisly companion .
14 He was perpetually in the grip of some obscure , niggling , unexplained bitterness , which led him to repudiate most of the overtures which Clara would from time to time make towards him ; she made these attempts because she was less frightened of him than she was of her mother , and she did on one or two occasions — the purchase of a bicycle , permission to go to the cinema — manage to enlist his sympathies .
15 Was he thinking of her as she was of him ?
16 A judge should only find a child guilty of contributory negligence if he or she is of such an age as reasonably to be expected to take precautions for his or her own safety ; and then he or she is only to be found guilty if blame should be attached to him or her .
17 And it 's something to do with that and an embargo date 's a little bit like that , and in a sense , you may well be able to stop people actually publishing the thing , but they will still know and be working on it if it 's of any importance , so use embargo dates advisedly .
18 But the threat of sanctions imposed by the United Nations is at the back of his mind , ‘ We have discussed it and it is of great personal interest to me as I would n't have a job .
19 He and I were of course aware that we were making two assumptions which were obviously incorrect .
20 ‘ They probably make you pay more for it because it 's of sentimental value . ’
21 The night before his ship sailed , Jussieu left all his material in the care of a servant with strict instructions to guard it because it was of great value .
22 ‘ I am as sure of it as I am of this water . ’
23 She had never been so aware of anyone as she was of the powerful man who had entered her life so abruptly .
24 It became apparent that he was as aware of me as I was of him .
25 ‘ If there are any , then they will be more frightened of us than we are of them . ’
26 It is common for us to imagine that others are going to be as critical of us as we are of ourselves .
27 Are the aliens as frightened of us as we are of them ?
28 they were just as scared of us as we are of them
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