Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [verb] [adv] his " in BNC.

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1 Jesus put it in these words , ‘ If any man would come after me , let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. ,
2 Jesus told his disciples , if any man would come after me , let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me .
3 ‘ Lager and whisky , eh ? ’ he said , nodding to himself and taking up his magazine again .
4 Again Couville muttered to himself and wandered round his room checking other rolls and parchments and quarto-sized journals which contained an index of royal warrants and proclamations .
5 The skinny man walked over to me and stuck out his hand .
6 ‘ Cameron , is it ? ’ the man says , glancing at me and pulling down his own trousers .
7 ‘ He opened his chamber door , smiled at me and picked up his cat . ’
8 He felt suddenly a brief return of the closeness they had used to enjoy when the children were small and she still felt important to them and minded less his involvement with his work .
9 Hearing how the B-17F 's weak forward armament failed to deter the enemy , Tommie conjectured that a 20mm cannon would have more dissuasive charm — but how to get one and try out his theory ?
10 When he lay down to sleep the peasants killed him and cut around his outline .
11 I follow him and peer over his shoulder .
12 Ba'al was thought to have descended into the earth and the sacrifices and energy invigorated him and brought about his resurrection .
13 She came up behind him and looked over his shoulder .
14 Nick closed his book , put it down on the scorched grass beside him and got out his pipe .
15 Tom stood behind him and stared over his head into the shop .
16 It was me who bathed him and turned off his light .
17 Then all the young gentlemen came up to him and shook both his hands very hard , especially the hand which held his few possessions .
18 He recalled his telling him about the time he went into a pub when a man suggested having sex with him and pulled down his trousers in front of the assembled company .
19 Dr Mirabilis just ignored him and held up his hands , calming the clamour and good natured cat calls .
20 Because suddenly he has me ( it 's mad , he kidnapped me ) laughing at him and pouring out his tea , as if I 'm his best girl-friend .
21 The priest glanced at her and threw up his hands .
22 Nicolo let go of her and threw up his hands .
23 His poem ‘ Maud ’ is said to be about her and reveals how his advances , as the son of a country parson , were not approved of by her guardians .
24 ‘ 'T IS really nought , ’ she whispered nervously as he reached her and held out his hand .
25 He kept her hand imprisoned beneath his for an endless moment before carefully removing it and picking up his wine glass .
26 He opened it and said over his shoulder , ‘ I 'll call for you at seven-thirty .
27 When he had n't returned within half a hour Sarella sat up , shaking her head to clear it and looking round his room with gentle eyes .
28 Tommy had managed the little sweet factory for many years and had lived above it and brought up his family there .
29 Suddenly her attention was caught by the sight of a light utility truck parked on the roadside a short distance ahead — and as she drew nearer a man stepped from behind it and held up his hand .
30 Des lounges against it and switches on his walkie-talkie .
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