Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [verb] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He pretended he did n't know me or did n't want to .
2 Most people just listen to weather forecasts and either believe them or do n't believe them and certainly get cross with people like yourselves if it
3 The requirements of the standard itself does not ask you to look at accounts er , specifically , which is why you can choose to include them or choose not to include them .
4 Despite the improvement from IBM 's personal computer business , overall profits were weak in the company 's hardware operations : the gross profit margin on hardware sales for the first quarter was a dismal 29% , compared with 48% a year ago ( a decline of 19% has been bandied about , but that came from someone that does n't understand percentages — it 's a fall of 19 percentage points or 39.6% ) ; the overall gross margin was 39.5% in the first quarter , down from 50.8% a year ago ; IBM 's tax rate was 25% in the first quarter , below the 45% rate IBM had indicated earlier ; IBM told analysts to continue to expect the 45% rate for the rest of this year .
5 I but do n't forget she 's got your mother as well and I think you ca n't
6 The answer to that was , nothing that had n't happened already .
7 Kevin and I had a bit of a scuffle , but it was nothing that did n't happen all over the park and certainly nothing to warrant our marching orders .
8 Nothing that has n't happened before , Father , ’ Ellie replied , almost as wearily , but still refusing to look up .
9 I even sat on the local erm committee wi with the police authority , you know , and er we 've got all sorts of promises but nothing that has ever materialized .
10 It has been exploited to a degree by all human beings to hurt and control each other , and has affected the lives of everyone that has ever lived .
11 ‘ It 's not me that goes round swearing at one 's betters and pelting downstairs like a looney . ’
12 ‘ It 's the first sandwich you 've ever made me that has n't got any paint on it . ’
13 Me that did n't know what to do I was n't gon na participate .
14 Yeah , I I just wondered because there are some of them that do n't have any relevance to national curriculum and I want
15 It 's a little like listening to those debates in parliament where parliament vote themselves extra salaries and I feel very uncomfortable in this process , I thought I might be coming here this morning to disagree with my own group , or those members of them that do n't agree with me , perhaps joined with the conservatives in opposing this motion , but I find in fact that everybody is saying oh let's put up the er , the heading , I feel very uncomfortable with this having spent six months in the budget review , criticising officers up hill and down dale every time that they exceeded their budget , having told them that either they balance their budget or that they came in next year with a budget with no more than a one and a half percent increase , or their successors would be doing it for us .
16 Maybe if I keep mum and keep my fingers crossed — what did my father always say when I could n't have something : ‘ Them that ask do n't get , them that do n't ask , do n't want . ’
17 The killing of Polanski 's wife — who was in her last month of pregnancy and carrying a ‘ perfectly formed ’ baby son , also murdered — along with three friends and a totally unconnected young man of eighteen who had been visiting a caretaker living in the grounds , naturally caused Polanski extreme mental torture , made worse by the knowledge that he had promised to return to the house himself and had not made it in time .
18 He had used the rest buying drinks to console himself and had then staggered back to the flat for the night .
19 She danced several dances with John , who then excused himself and went off to talk business with Rodet .
20 In any case , the instant she turned , smiled and waved to the young lifeguard ( who could n't control himself and burst out laughing ) , she was unaware of her age .
21 Like a dreamer , the Apolline artist is absorbed in contemplation of something outside himself and does not identify with it .
22 For example , he tends to pitch in and sort things out for himself and does not spend enough time on man-management .
23 ‘ Engraved with tongues of flame , ’ said Flaherty , who had thought up this himself and did not want it overlooked .
24 Some would say that blame should begin , even end , with Rushdie himself : that this ‘ impertinent , whining guest , ’ as Lord Tebbit unforgivably called him , wrote a calculatedly provocative book , brought the predictable wrath of Islam down upon himself and has since presented the taxpayer with a multi-million pound bill for keeping due retribution at bay .
25 There are internal disputes which are resolved by a visitor who is not a lawyer himself and has not taken legal advice .
26 In the UK , the client must either be eligible for legal aid , or fund the action himself and risk not recovering costs .
27 On the other hand I do favour a greater amount of ‘ non-scientific ’ components — e.g. philosophy , history of science — which if taught well put the practical science into proper context .
28 Just as Jesus did not draw attention to himself but set out to glorify his Father by passing on the Father s message to men ( 8:28 , 1 2:28,1 7:4 ) , so the Paraclete will not speak on his own authority … but will take what is mine and declare it to you' ( 16 : 14 ) .
29 And then , when I said nothing and kept on driving , she said , ‘ If you do n't stop , I 'll jump out . ’
30 So , as soon as the misbehaviour begins , turn away or walk away from your child ; pretend not to see or hear what is going on ; say nothing and try not to show any expression at all ; resist getting into any debate , argument or discussion with your child while he or she is misbehaving .
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