Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [verb] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In real-life evolution there is nothing that corresponds to steering towards some distant genetic target .
2 And when he come into the pub he hears the village lads singing along with the machine and he has a go himself and gets to talking with everyone .
3 On the brink of suicide himself when imprisoned for writing to a friend who had been called a counter-revolutionary , Liang Heng wonders , ‘ Why should two good people like my parents be forced to divorce each other ?
4 The keyboard operator punches holes in a paper roll , which when run through casting machines produces individual characters .
5 Rachel-comes out of her room looking as frightened as you 'd expect , but I say nothing and concentrate on easing into my shoes .
6 Mum takes me to the doctor , our village doctor , who weighs me and mumbles about taking dieting too far and makes me an appointment as an outpatient at the hospital .
7 Me and got ta beat her !
8 Lizzie came from the back of the house to greet them and insisted on helping them carry in Sara 's boxes , packages and various belongings .
9 When distracting thoughts occur , try to ignore them by not dwelling on them and return to repeating ‘ one ’ .
10 He seemed to know how to do everything that came with running a resort and he did n't seem to mind doing any of it .
11 Here everything that goes into making a roll of film is monitored , recorded and automatically adjusted .
12 But Ben could n't see what she seemed to be seeing — one moment a piece of shabby pewter , the next something that poured with sighing light .
13 It 's something that runs through mining folklore and can be traced right back into the lore of medieval German miners .
14 I should do really got a clot in one of his legs as it means and went down the other one and got ta take it out , through smoking
15 When someone suggests something as opposed to insisting on it , we enjoy the fact that our powers of discrimination and judgement are being recognised .
16 They were bigger , richer and better than anybody and looked like staying that way for years .
17 She smiled to herself and refrained from adding , the ladies who come in here usually ask for shag for their pipes .
18 After that he was a changed man , keeping everyone away from him and insisting on moving to the North Bastion Tower . ’
19 His nose moved continually and when a bumblebee flew humming to a thistle bloom behind him , he jumped and spun round with a start that sent two near-by rabbits scurrying for holes before the nearest , a buck with black-tipped ears , recognized him and returned to feeding .
20 He said I 'm going out again with him and gon na get you , you and dad 's cigarettes and
21 I you know , one woman came in in distress again , her husband had left her and gone off leaving rent arrears .
22 I was dismayed that we had disturbed her and apologised for having made a noise .
23 I thanked her and left after slipping the coin down my stocking for safe keeping .
24 Frau Hoflin took one look at her and refrained from asking her to pick them up and put them in the washing machine .
25 It 's getting them to push it and keep in keep in line .
26 It 's got instant character , whereas a new guitar has n't had the years of beating on it and fiddling with to give it the character .
27 Now , shall we forget about it and concentrate on enjoying the Park while we are still allowed in it ? ’
28 Er nevertheless , under P P G guidance , erm advice , the new settlement is a strategic issue and therefore it 's right and proper to think about it and look at look at it and try to determine whether it is possible to give guidance on a district location through this through through through this debate .
29 ‘ Do n't worry , you 'll soon get over it and revert to hating me , ’ he offered lazily , still turned away from her .
30 I took his word for it and concentrated on enjoying the substance of Ino ( for Serafino ) Cosson 's offerings .
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