Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] that [modal v] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It seems to me that that would be a very anomalous and inconvenient result .
2 It seems to me that that would be wholly inappropriate — it would involve further analysis of the history relating to the local authority 's care of these children and that , I think , can be in the interests of no one , certainly not of the children .
3 Now then I was going to ask one simple question and that is , has anyone thought about keep sending postcards to people , er if the , erm reply is going to be delayed in any way , because at least then the person if there 's sufficiently good reference will be able to , phone up and say look you know , yes I 'm not happy , it seems to me that that would be a way forward on that , erm .
4 And the mention of twenty years reminds me that that must be the number of summers you own to , Miss Abbott and that being young and having spent the afternoon in the sea air , you must be hungry . ’
5 You ever lift your hand to me and that 'll be the end . ’
6 My fantasies were never about specific sexual activities , they were always on the level of some emotional transcendence — someone would come along and embrace me and that would be it ; I could n't really envisage what the nitty gritty practical things were .
7 I may lose them and that would be terrible !
8 I would hang them all round the school and you 'd all get stuck to them and that would be the end of it .
9 according towards the under revelation he talks about how these , these dumb idols and these pieces of gold have got nothing in them and that 'd be way in which the , the ones would be caught out , because of these gold or whatever have got nothing in them you see .
10 Once you have accepted responsibility do not allow someone else to take it away from you as that will be clear proof of your inability to handle the situation .
11 George knew that if he left Lennie to speak he would mess up everything and that would be the end of their job .
12 Yeah so she 's got to buy a cheaper one and that would be added to it .
13 Please heaven that she would n't find out that he was involved after all , because something warned her that that would be more than she could ever cope with .
14 It would take most of the silver he had on him and that would be just for half an ounce of what was needed .
15 If his , his mum was n't there he 'd just hold on to her and that would be it would n't it ?
16 I am not underestimating him because that would be a serious mistake , but the greater our fear the more difficult it is to view him with that clinical detachment so vital for survival .
17 There must be money in it and that may be the reason for an attempt to fool the laboratory in its work with thermoluminescence .
18 But in his absence no-one was capable of providing it and that must be hugely worrying for Wilkinson , who has taken the biggest gamble of his successful career by selling the striker .
19 Well it 's never been serviced since the day we bought it and that must be a good ten years ago .
20 If you have no back-ups , then one day you will lose it and that could be the end of your business .
21 ‘ Do you really think so little of yourself that that could be all I wanted ? ’ she stabbed back and was pleased to see dull colour rise in his cheeks .
22 Oh what cos that 'll be alright wo n't it ?
23 Most hole-dwellers have to excavate their homes for themselves and that can be hard work .
24 Yeah cos there 's , on your own all the time and you feel you 've got no time for yourself and that can be fairly bad at times .
25 It seems to many of us that that would be one way to limit the spread of nuclear know-how which could be one of the longer term dangers of the issue .
26 erm yes it should be okay perhaps you know if obviously if one bedroom a box room would n't be any good to us but that would be consider that
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