Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] they [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 Aidan was a better authority on women than any of the rest of them so they followed him willingly .
2 And it surprises me that they took him into the Force , 'cos he 's made no secret of it an' you know yourself how they 're thought about . ’
3 He persuaded himself that they helped him ; but the headaches still came .
4 One of the white thieves came with a whip , cutting legs , backs , faces ; drawing blood ; roaring at them until they understood he wanted them to stand up .
5 ‘ His parents were too poor to keep him so they lent him to a forester .
6 they make too much fuss of him and they bring him back
7 Thom picked up two oranges from the gutter but someone saw him and they took him to Derby Street police station and he got the sack from the police .
8 Then they were both fearful for him and they took him into the cold scullery , where they hid him from the intruders .
9 And he said I was completely confused and I could n't , he said I was trying to shout my wife and erm and , er , you know my mouth would n't work , he said , but she said fortunately she looked through the window and er found him and they took him to hospital .
10 Pilate standing on , you imagine knowing that he has delivered up an innocent man , knowing that he 's delivered to death someone who is not guilty of death , knowing that he is the son of God , the King of the Jews , listen to what he says and th listen to what he 's watch , he 's seeing rather and the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the praetorium and gathered the whole Roman cohort around him and they stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him , and after weaving a crown of thorns they put it on his head and reed in his right hand , and they kneeled down before him and mocked him saying , hail !
11 They opened the earth for him and they put him inside .
12 Exactly what they 've done , they saw him and they suspended him .
13 She found a staff nurse to help her and they washed him out , finding nothing as she had expected , but she sent a sample of the stomach contents off for analysis anyway .
14 What was to stop anyone just shooting him if they thought he was worthless to them ?
15 They got him in the boat and they he had to lie down in the bottom of the boat and they and they covered him with a tarpaulin .
16 The teenager tried to run away when the youths approached him but they punched him in the face and pushed him to the ground .
17 For example , a social worker felt that clients could speak more openly to him because they knew he could not recognise them in other contexts , and a counsellor reported that her clients would sometimes say that they could speak more openly knowing that she could not see them .
18 That 's why sometimes they got mad at him because they knew he was talking to them and about them and they knew that it applied to them .
19 Eventually they murdered him because they disliked him so much .
20 People are doing it for him because they loved him very much and he was a very funny guy as well as a kind person .
21 I have n't seen him since they took him away , screaming his head off , with Jonathan Johns telling everybody gathered round that it was all my fault , bloomin' unfair because I ca n't help it if Pitt has the kind of bones that break easily , can I ?
22 They heard him before they saw him .
23 Tommy , inset left , killed him when they thought he owned them £25 .
24 Another man , a social worker got caught up in the melee and was forced out of another car , but police released him when they realized he was not connected .
25 Another man , a social worker , got caught up in the melee and was forced out of another car , but police released him when they realized he was not connected .
26 The children had been told to write answers to what happened to Jesus in the temple : What did He do there ? and what did His parents say to Him when they found Him ?
27 reported it and they send him out the flats .
28 Some twenty years later the District Judge at Kagalla found similar attitudes : ‘ It is a common occurrence for persons to see an animal being driven away under very suspicious circumstances , and yet , although perhaps living within a stone 's throw of the owner , they take no trouble to go and tell him what they have seen , and probably say nothing about it until they meet him looking for his stolen animal , three or four days afterward ; of course then the recovery is hopeless ! ’
29 He seemed so fiercely shut up in himself that Ruth was afraid people would start seriously meaning it when they called him mad .
30 sat there watching them catch him up he did n't see them before they got him stopped like .
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