Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] that [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , there is nothing to suggest that using two languages detracts from either one of them or that it produces continued interference .
2 Yeah , but look how that 's exactly like yours except that it looks it looks lived in .
3 Eddie Gilfoyle also told workmates the baby was not his and that he had ‘ family problems ’ .
4 A MAN told police that a block of cannabis found in his mother 's freezer was his and that he intended to supply it to others , Darlington magistrates heard yesterday .
5 Thereby he had represented to the finance company that the van was not his but that it belonged to the trader .
6 The glance had told her nothing except that he had retreated into himself again .
7 He thought about it for a few moments , but said nothing except that he did not understand why a second shoe had been stolen .
8 ' Sir John , I know nothing except that I honour you and the Lady Maude .
9 It had not been shown that the Special Commissioner had misdirected himself or that he had erred in law or that he had arrived at a wholly insupportable conclusion .
10 So he created a smokescreen , making the excuse that he did n't think Steve was a good enough guitarist by himself and that we needed a second guitar .
11 This time my reaction to the knowledge that in all probability cancer was back with me and that I had a dreaded secondary was quite different from my reaction on first being told of the disease six months earlier .
12 ‘ Felipe is just angry that Mitch touched me and that I did not repulse him quickly .
13 ‘ Please , I hope you get the million you want to fight me and that you do n't bottle out , ’ said WBO super-middleweight champion Eubank .
14 I said that I accepted that maybe he hated me and that he wanted nothing to do with me .
15 For how many years have we been told it 's tax payers ' money do you remember Maggie and the tax payers ' money , it 's like this animal somewhere called the tax payer but it came out of the wall as if we were n't one of them and that we had to look after the tax payers ' money .
16 Find a way to let this person ( who could be your partner ) know that you love them and that you have forgiven them .
17 They both insisted that this was very important to them and that it did not detract from their feelings towards their adoptive parents .
18 Well , well honestly I 'm quite pleased with them cos that I mean
19 Do you ever feel that life is getting on top of you or that you want to run away from the demands made on you by career or family ?
20 Capron said it had come to his attention that I 'd been meeting you and that it had to stop . ’
21 Or simply told the truth — told them there and now that it was n't Syl 's smile that repelled me but that I had an intuitive conviction that there was something unsound in him , something unwholesome by virtue of being undeveloped , something that would , sooner or later , cause me to turn on him with bitter cruelty as Nour had turned on me .
22 I admitted he visited me but that I 'd had a history of violence with him , and anyway I 'd got an injunction .
23 This diversity accounts for the mutually contradictory complaints that are frequently voiced by village locals : that the newcomers come in and try to run everything or that they take no part in village life and are not ‘ involved ’ .
24 but then again you , you might , you might come up and say , say something that that they wan na hear , you wan na hear ?
25 I do n't think they view it as a dead happy , enjoyable , fun thing and it 's something that that they do if you say , is really serious and
26 okay , I ju as I say i do n't want to promise you something that that I know I 'm not going to be able to achieve in these two days because that 's not yep certainly if you want to talk about that you know as a separate thing outside the time then then we 'll be able to help you do that , okay ?
27 I think regarding the number of people who are in prison , whether on remand or otherwise , erm , reminds me of something that that I keep noticing , either hear it on the radio or in the paper .
28 The right hon. Gentleman knows perfectly well that the commitment on income tax is a longer-term one and that we hope to achieve it as and when conditions permit and when it is prudent to do so .
29 Pauline explained that our concern was not only a financial one and that we need to support our training programme to secure a healthy future .
30 Er , do n't always take the first one and that you take loads of picture around , if you see an interesting subject , make sure you move around and take loads of pictures , and then select the one for printing .
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