Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] could not be " in BNC.

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1 I just could n't be bothered .
2 well that 's a a place like Morecambe I just could n't be bothered .
3 Well I did n't because I just could n't be bothered to put the oven on to get as hot as that for such short period of time .
4 I really could n't be bothered .
5 What I , what er , I in fact , what , what I did notice in that time that I was there , was that er , when you talk about the old guard , the young people , anybody under forty er they were a little bit cynical about this communism lark and Lenin and the rest of it , they all went to say , they would all go to Lenin 's er statue and in effect have a blessing from Lenin , we went along with them on one occasion , very pleased to do it , but you you got the impression that the younger generation were already in 1982 and the people now that are out there with Yeltsin were shying away from communism , now the thing is this that Gorbachev came along in my opinion exactly at the right time and tried to move things a little our way a little way from the hardline , which obviously could n't be sustained .
6 And today is the hundredth anniversary of Erwin Panofsky 's birth , which really could not be ignored .
7 The Securitate had a department devoted to analysing the rumours in circulation and putting out its own to promote the regime 's purposes , which often could not be publicly stated .
8 Most controversially he announced sweeping cuts in commodity subsidies which he said were unavoidable as government subsidies on wheat and petrol had previously amounted to £S1,000 million and £S7,700 million respectively , which simply could not be sustained .
9 The theoretical advance demanded further physical evidence which simply could not be collected with the technology then available to researchers .
10 There are many houses which simply could not be brought up to standard …
11 One of the two third prizes was awarded to Sir Anthony Milbank for the Barningham estates , County Durham , who also could not be present .
12 Mary said she really could not be bothered .
13 To converse with the doctor she would have to speak with unnatural care and lucidity , and she really could n't be bothered .
14 Location is fairly important to a hotel in London , and you really could n't be in a more convenient spot .
15 Corbett had been alone with her for five minutes when she died , but Mr Justice McKinnon told the jury ’ You simply could not be sure that in the short time Danielle was under his control he caused her death .
16 There are examples of officers whose promotion was clearly desired by their superiors who yet could not be advanced .
17 ‘ Well ’ Louise laughed , ‘ you certainly could n't be mistaken for anything other than Nora Simpson 's daughter , there 's no doubt about that , but to be fair , my sweet , you 've both had a lot to contend with .
18 One here and one there could n't be one .
19 Later that night , drinking champagne at the first night party , he gave me his usual disclaimers ; how it was all an illusion , everything was an illusion , all life was an illusion , and how he , Sir Tom , was the master of illusion , but how his dear children were real because they alone could not be spawned from the imagination .
20 They could not be offending the Gruagach , and they especially could not be offending Goibniu the Greediguzzler .
21 Release to college was , it was said , out of the question : they just could not be spared .
22 The hurts of the last years run so deep they just could not be solved with AT&T involved .
23 They just could n't be bothered half the time .
24 Granted that senior army officers , like Sir William , were used to handling men and making decisions , they still could n't be expected to understand what was involved in a tricky investigation , be able to discuss tactics .
25 In a study attempting to utilise the theory , Cressey ( 1953 ) concluded that they probably could not be .
26 And they certainly could n't be called poor , living in this house .
27 They certainly could n't be overheard , but in that crowd anybody could be watching them .
28 She loved this man , and he seemed determined , because of some misplaced sense of responsibility , to keep them together , yet she was trying to make him see that it just could n't be — for his own sake .
29 It does n't in any way claim to be an absolutely up to the minute report of absolutely everything that we 've done in the previously twelve months since last Congress , and quite frankly , it just could not be that .
30 But he had left soon after , so maybe there was n't a good reason ; maybe he just could n't be taught anything .
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