Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] on [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Julius quickly sorted through them , tossing them carelessly on to the floor as he continued his fast but thorough search .
2 Up in the chestnut branches girls and boys were clambering about , hitting at the spiked green conkers and knocking them down on to the heads below .
3 Drunks were making a din on the stairs and a sculptor was tearing up a collection of Kisling 's drawings and throwing them down on to the head of the concierge .
4 ’ He tossed them down on to the small saucer on the table .
5 She lifted her feet , one by one , pressed them down on to the boot-scraper that stood by the back door .
6 Something must be pulling me down on to the floor .
7 Dorcas lowered himself gingerly on to the brink and sat with his legs dangling over the drop .
8 Gaily heaved and hitched himself up on to the high stool , shoving the bag of laundry between his feet once more .
9 Everything seemed ideal for his attempt , and with sudden resolution he hauled himself up on to the shelf above the door and manoeuvred around gingerly until he was able to stand up .
10 The bang of the door woke him and he reached himself up on to the table and started sniffing the newly polished leather .
11 Peter walked over to the shed , climbing on to the sill , then levering himself up on to the roof , which was not very steep .
12 Lie down , ’ I said and he eased himself back on to the couch .
13 ’ Li Shai Tung nodded and eased himself back on to the great saddle of a turtle shell that was placed beside the pool .
14 With what I swear was a scathing look that said something like " Wally " , he launched himself gracefully on to the air and noiselessly flew down the gill out of sight .
15 Again you can pick up the stitches and knit them directly on to the edge , or you can knit long strips or tubes and sew them neatly in place .
16 ‘ At least — ’ his voice held a husky tinge of wry amusement against her ear ‘ — you are not hysterical , convinced I am about to fling you down on to the rocks below . ’
17 The grassy hillside steering you up on to the ridge starts off as a benign little stroll , until you realise it is going to continue forever .
18 There is no need to walk up to the summit of Cairn Gorm underneath the chairlift , since there is a route that runs west from the car park , and takes you up on to the Fiacaill ridge , a world away from the frightful clanking kingdom of the ski-tows .
19 We asked them to the meeting and we look forward to listening to you later on in the agenda .
20 If things get nasty on Planet Terra it can at least beam itself up on to the Starship Astra .
21 For a moment it seemed as though it had tapped some hidden reserve of strength and would ease itself up on to the opposite bank , and escape into the forest .
22 I do n't know why I do n't throw you out on to the street ! ’
23 And of course , I 've told you earlier on in the week , that you only get paid on
24 I have an exhibition in London each spring and Punch makes wooden crates to pack my canvasses in and we put them tenderly on to the train in Bodmin .
25 I can not remember just what purpose had taken me up on to the top floor of the house to where the row of guest bedrooms line the corridor .
26 On that first occasion my father took me through Craven Hill Gardens into Porchester Terrace , showed me the blank brick back of the facades and lifted me up on to the wall so that I could look down into the shaft .
27 Another pull for ten minutes or so brought me up on to the summit , where I sat down to have my lunch .
28 I might might check them out to see if they would mind if we did something later on in the week .
29 ‘ I 've got something else on with the Zikr . ’
30 Every winter the gales of Cornwall lift granite slabs off sea walls and toss them willy-nilly on to the nearest road .
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