Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] and [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Lowell told them politely and falsely that it was good to see them .
2 Her mouth sought his again and again as they broke for breath .
3 He seemed to be trying to pull himself together and just as the bus appeared at the mouth of the square , he murmured : ‘ Do n't worry about Mama ; she will have understood what you were thinking , and in any case I can tell her if you 'd like . ’
4 They sit him in the rocking-chair in front of the hearth , to rock himself back and forth as he muses out loud about the enslavement of man by natural technology .
5 She had become tougher on Creggan , saying that he must use what little space there was in his cage to practise flight — turning , wheeling , lifting himself again and again and again … for she said that the day might come when he would need those skills .
6 cos she just took them off and then and now now she owes me something posh .
7 I was eight years old when he died ; his death affected me deeply and profoundly and I miss him still .
8 Oh well I 'm gon na watch me Home and Away and nip downstair
9 Images kept on coming at me which , like a crazy horse , I tried to resist , defiantly tossing my head high , but each new picture flashing into my mind enraged me more and more and I shook my head frantically from side to side .
10 That 's got you better and better and better .
11 It rocks you backwards and forwards and is supposed to stimulate the endorphins in your brain , helping to boost thinking power It did n't — but then I was only on it for about 10 minutes before I started feeling sick .
12 No , but it was a loan to me and I said to my dad he was loaning it me and I said to him erm I pay you back and then when I went to pick the cheque up er he says er well me mum says he giving you that you know he says what we 're gon na do is when , when they write the will out you 'll get that much less than the others , I says well as long as it ai n't gon na cause any problems
13 Who really and truly and honestly gives a shit ?
14 It was Ana who drew you here and even though Devlin is behind all this they will expect an article . ’
15 ‘ Dr. Briant , let me tell you here and now that we are not here to make judgments .
16 ‘ I do n't play those games — but I should tell you here and now that I 'll make you regret it if ever you try to involve anyone else in this , ’ he warned her silkily , his grey eyes suddenly steely and intent .
17 You take the nasty results with the nice , examine them thoroughly and dispassionately and ask these questions : What are people really concerned about ?
18 Control repeated everything precisely and faithfully while a low , slow hammering began beneath the floor .
19 And want to find something you 've got to root through everything else , you 've got to move everything else and then when you want to come and find something else , you 've moved it .
20 She set off down the slope , forcing herself not to run , telling herself again and again that it was all right ; that her fears were unfounded .
21 It was ridiculous to be ashamed of her lack of experience , to feel only half a woman , to envy Suzie her ability to give herself mentally and emotionally and doubtless physically without thought or recrimination .
22 I want you to promise me here and now that you will not see Gary Oliver again . ’
23 and say to him so and so and so and so he 'd always answer back and say I want to do it this way
24 ‘ That Friday night we just sat there rocking her backwards and forwards and crying .
25 They came on him rapidly and powerfully and he decided that all he could do was to circle in a gentle way to indicate that he was not hostile , his heart filled with joy to see his own kind .
26 And those breasts Dan ogled her innocently and unashamedly as he approached her , and continued to gawk over his shoulder after passing .
27 But Paddy mentions her now and again when he 's writin' .
28 She put her arm round his shoulders and hustled him out and upstairs before he recovered himself .
29 had him out and then when she brought him back he would n't stop crying .
30 Should I tell her here and now that Ewen Mackay had already been to the cottage ?
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