Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] and [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 Lowell told them politely and falsely that it was good to see them .
2 ‘ Dr. Briant , let me tell you here and now that we are not here to make judgments .
3 ‘ I do n't play those games — but I should tell you here and now that I 'll make you regret it if ever you try to involve anyone else in this , ’ he warned her silkily , his grey eyes suddenly steely and intent .
4 She set off down the slope , forcing herself not to run , telling herself again and again that it was all right ; that her fears were unfounded .
5 I want you to promise me here and now that you will not see Gary Oliver again . ’
6 She 'd reassure him over and over that she was fine , she was safe , there was nothing for him to worry about , and Ashdown would then ring Joe and pass along anything new or helpful that he 'd been able to pick out of the conversation .
7 Oh and you 'd telling everybody up and down that Jackie 's had her theatre gr it 's this week she 's there is n't it ?
8 Should I tell her here and now that Ewen Mackay had already been to the cottage ?
9 I sought to explain to him then and before that we not only need to sort out finance but to get on with distributing the food that they can grow , with the production of the food that they do not grow , and sort out their system of feeding the people .
10 She was determined that there would be no reconciliation , and even though she had found that the sound of his voice reminded her vividly and immediately that she had loved him and could do so again she lay smiling with pleasure at the sheer satisfaction of unforgivingness .
11 Oh , the doctors and nurses had assured her again and again that she was fine and would soon be fit and well again .
12 Or simply told the truth — told them there and now that it was n't Syl 's smile that repelled me but that I had an intuitive conviction that there was something unsound in him , something unwholesome by virtue of being undeveloped , something that would , sooner or later , cause me to turn on him with bitter cruelty as Nour had turned on me .
13 Well when I was down at the er council that May , I told them there and then that er I 'm prepared to er let one of the council men come to our house , about eight o'clock in the morning , and then stop till ten and then come back again about two and wait till they come home from school which they would n't have come home from school , but they go across the road and come back again , double back as if they 'd been to school
14 I promised myself there and then that I was going to master that hill if it killed me , and every day afterwards I went there and drove up it , holding the car on the clutch , until I was successful .
15 I told myself again and again that he loved me and that was what counted .
16 With Thursday only a day or so hence , why did not he inform us there and then that he would be unable to convey our message to the queen our mother ?
17 Bill : I do n't know if anybody feels they have , but this is a thing which I felt was central to the gay movement of the seventies and I think I would go so far as to say that I assume that most of my close friends feel , like Mark , that it 's fine to have special relationships but it is n't fine to have ones where you are n't allowed to have anything else and also that there 's nothing more deadly to a relationship when you are trying desperately not to have it off with anybody else because you feel guilty about it .
18 The Sergeant took us into the small canteen and told us quietly and forcefully that our holiday in Aubagne was over and that we were off to start four months of basic training designed to turn us into legionnaires .
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