Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I had eaten little or nothing most of the day .
2 SCORPIOS may not like to appear outwardly ambitious but you set yourself specific goals and work relentlessly towards them regardless of the opposition .
3 Mrs. Mary Campbell of Boquhan , a lady with important political connections in the town of Stirling , sent Drummond with her letter of recommendation to call on Lord Milton , the intermediary through whom much of the Duke of Argyll 's patronage was distributed .
4 ‘ The speed humps will be built in a special way which makes them less of an inconvenience to buses , ’ said Mrs Standing .
5 We all use them much of the time and could not do without them .
6 Not , I out of the machine I think it is .
7 We 've had times when we 've written to commercials and given them free tickets to dig ourselves out of a hole and things .
8 You can always look back and say " What if " , but we must remember that we got ourselves out of a couple of scrapes on last two days and for a time we looked absolutely terrible , but we turned it around and could have won .
9 We can not hope to compete with the big stores for plain , cheap knitwear — they can buy their yarn at much better prices than we can and when we add costing for our time we price ourselves out of the market .
10 We had to do something to get ourselves out of the situation .
11 Oh charming , I see , since when did you last chucked one of yours out of the beasties .
12 Please remember that non-attendance deprives someone else of a place .
13 It must have taken her most of an evening .
14 In front of her most of the herd seemed to be grazing alongside the path , on either side of it , but Brenda could n't leave the path on her bike .
15 The director had told her most of the cast and crew were staying in the same hotel , and a room had been reserved for her there , too .
16 An incessant internal monologue occupied her most of the morning , during which , by turns , she tried to convince herself that Fen 's effect on her was all in her imagination or berated herself for being fickle .
17 Piggott , 57 , gave himself much of the credit for the victory , cheekily telling trainer Richard Hannon : ‘ I rode a brilliant race , did n't I. ’
18 Naturally enough , this called forth the response , ‘ Why speak ye so of the mirth that is in Heaven ?
19 To hold the regime together , and maintain himself at its head , he manoeuvred not only to maximize his chances of material and territorial satisfaction , but also to avoid alienating from himself any of the factions within his regime , while , at the same time , bolstering his own hegemony by ensuring the persistence of competition between them .
20 Yet the first step had been taken , and an inexpressible sadness closed in upon him , as if he had stripped himself wantonly of the children who were his own flesh .
21 He 's been making himself part of the England scene by acting as spy for some time now as already noted on the list .
22 The hon. Member for Nottingham , South ( Mr. Brandon-Bravo ) tried to get himself out of a largehole
23 Although Heseltine published his own plans to amend the poll tax , he felt obliged , in the same week , to issue yet another declaration of loyalty to the Prime Minister , thus apparently ruling himself out of a leadership contest in 1990 .
24 The result is that , whereas , for the passive reader , the novel effectively ends with Oliveira seemingly about to commit suicide by throwing himself out of a window , the active reader goes beyond this to the understanding that Oliveira 's jump into the void is a metaphorical leap into a metaphysical state , where conventional categories are abolished and dualistic contradictions reconciled .
25 He shook himself out of a spiral of suspicion and isolation .
26 ‘ He could n't sort himself out of a paper bag ! ’
27 WHINGEING Tony Cottee talked himself out of a job , then watched his stand-in play a major role in the Everton tragi-comedy that followed , writes Graham Fisher .
28 And if Mr. Birt does find himself out of a job , he could always try his luck as a timeshare salesman .
29 Daniel levered himself out of the sofa and stood up .
30 This charge against Latimer was almost certainly baseless , though it is more difficult to assess whether he had made undue profits for himself out of the campaign in Brittany .
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