Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] know what [be] " in BNC.

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1 I was absolutely stunned , I hardly knew what was going on .
2 ‘ It has been a traumatic time , with nobody really knowing what was happening .
3 And nobody quite knows what 's there .
4 So you always know what 's happening .
5 She had had enough of these old people who looked down at her from their height of years , who always knew what was best for her .
6 She also knew what was good for herself , so she kept for her own use the money that she was given for the children 's food .
7 So this is where you sort of sort out if you really know what 's going on .
8 with two or three years before you really know what 's going on
9 One of the girls had apparently rushed into class to inform her teacher , Mrs Whitehouse , that she now knew what was ‘ right ’ .
10 She never knew what was going to happen to her .
11 He says the appeal is ‘ the unpredictability of it — you never know what 's going to happen next .
12 Tomorrow 's World presenter Maggie , 36 , said : ‘ One thing we have learned from alcoholism is that you never know what 's going to happen . ’
13 ‘ I could be involved in a number of different ways , ’ she continues , ‘ but I can still do it well enough , and you never know what 's around the next corner .
14 You never know what 's hiding round the next corner in Brighton & Hove .
15 Cos you never know what 's gon na happen .
16 You never know what 's just coming in through the door . ’
17 As Colonel Gordon Wilkinson puts it : ‘ The big thing about services catering is that you never know what 's going to happen next .
18 You never know what 's out there , they said , looking fearfully over their shoulders .
19 You never know what 's going on behind those burkas .
20 Well I think I would wait Stefan until the oily film had gone off the top of the water for tender plants but then I am one of these people that would always tender plants with tap water anyway because you never know what 's in do you in rain water , anything can congregate in a pot , it can be infected with all sorts of things and I would just use this water on the garden in the first twelve months or so or use it on shrubs and things like that if it was required and then go on to er things like perennials but then you could use it on almost anything but with the proviso that you may have contamination in that water if it 's from Water Board .
21 but I think that , that with what it is you know , but then I say she 's got that anyway , she 's not as , as tough as what she makes out , but er it would be worth having a look you never know what 's in there , and I say I must pick up a couple of paper towels
22 You never know what is going to happen in a life .
23 She explained : ‘ In a series you never know what is around the corner because the lines develop from episode to episode .
24 I go to many different supermarkets to do my shopping , because you never know what is going through the cashiers ' minds .
25 Well it 's like what most exercises are , it seems like a lot of nonsense but actually when it comes to the crunch , you actually know what 's going to happen , you know the the procedures and everything like that .
26 There are those who struggling with the old Head who never knew what was going on and like
27 We just know what 's at home .
28 If we were to insist that prayer involves some form of dialogue then it would presuppose that we already know what is meant by the concept of God .
29 We already know what is possible — over five years , the miners have increased productivity by 108 per cent. , while prices have reduced in real terms by 40 per cent. , representing an annual cash reduction to the generators of £150 .
30 This is known as cataphora , and it is a favourite opening device of authors who begin stories and novels with an unidentified he or she , both enticing us to look further , and plunging us into the middle of a situation as though we already knew what was going on .
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