Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [vb past] to [det] " in BNC.

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1 The second category , overall impression , involves listening to all the adjectives describing the person and thereby forming an overall impression ; ‘ [ I ] assessed the overall impression left once all the words had been read out ’ or ‘ I was not conscious of using any strategy in particular at the time , but I guess I merely listened to all the traits and tried to gain an overall impression . ’
2 I naturally came to this conclusion only with the greatest reluctance ; it was no easy matter for me , the responsible commander , to abandon my dreams of hope and victory !
3 ‘ The closest I ever got to any man was when I had him in the sights of the rifle and I never missed . ’
4 I felt preternaturally over-sexed , and despite being removed from The Fat Controller 's proximate influence I still stuck to this rule .
5 I then said to this young horseman : ‘ Now hop on your wagon and be off ! ’ and he done so . ’
6 I realized that I had been tricked , so I then turned to some American and French correspondents .
7 Do you know I actually listened to some of this tape and I do n't half sound different on the taped , the real me
8 I never wrote to that box number .
9 I never went to any formal acting school — in fact , I 've probably just been very , very lucky getting all the parts I have — though for as long as I can remember all I ever wanted to be was an actress , and to be in the Theatre . ’
10 He had one or two best pals after Bernard , but I never took to any of them ; and as he got older he never brought anybody with him when he came on a visit .
11 I too confessed to some anxious moments as she happily passed the tiller over to me .
12 I recently wrote to all Second Division clubs asking if they wanted to retain terracing and every reply to date says yes .
13 I recently listened to such a man curse the government for doing nothing to help his game .
14 By far the most conspicuous element in the new landscape were the small , hedged fields small , that is , by comparison with the vast open fields — that had preceded them , which usually ran to several hundred acres unbroken by a single hedge .
15 It can be a book which formerly belonged to some famous person , preferably with some fair indication of that ownership , perhaps his signature and , much better , marginal notes and comments .
16 Labour politicians , even those with a training in economics , were muddled about the issues , and generally seemed to favour the historic average cost principles , which also seemed to many at the time to be enshrined in the wording of the Act , which merely required the industry to break even ‘ taking one year with another ’ .
17 AN OBJECT lesson for all those who bemoan the artistic indifference of government , last night 's Omnibus ( BBC 1 ) looked at a political leader who took the closest interest in art , a mediocre and embittered water-colourist who eventually turned to another medium — mass emotion and warfare .
18 How superior she suddenly felt to that woman in the bed , the woman whom she had so long admired , even idolised , but who knew little of human nature after all .
19 This was a man who perhaps gave to all tube buskers indiscriminately , without even looking at them , for he tossed a 5P piece on to the ground as he strode past .
20 So if you just sold to that at a small surgery that 's what your earnings would be .
21 When her mother answered , she said the stupid thing she always said to those who were supposed to be close to her , ‘ It 's me . ’
22 She was so concerned about her unborn baby , she usually over-reacted to any untoward symptom .
23 Lou continued to be the nearest he had to a first and real love and she still went to all the broadcasts and visited Pinewood for every film , sitting on her own canvas chair , sometimes by herself , frequently with her sister Daisy , of whom Ken himself was still very fond .
24 In Washington , Watson and his wife took lunch with President and Mrs Cleveland who later came to that night 's lecture .
25 She then talked to some pig experts and compiled the following pig compendium .
26 You never amounted to much anyway .
27 Mind you , you never went to that playschool so
28 ‘ On this occasion , the Argentine government and its people , who never consented to that act of force , reiterate their permanent will to recover by diplomatic means the exercise of its territorial sovereignty over the Malvinas , Southern Georgias and Sandwich islands and the surrounding waters , ’ the communique said .
29 These ideas were discussed with the maths and computing adviser , who Subsequently wrote to all schools suggesting that the microcomputer might be Placed in the library and that it would be advisable for schools to have their school librarians attend in-service courses on microcomputer use which this adviser was organizing .
30 We hardly spoke to each other , ’ she protested .
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