Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adv] many [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I also as many stores as possible
2 ‘ It 's not just winning the fight , it 's how you do it , the style is just as important and wins you just as many points , ’ says Glenn .
3 We 've never given you quite so many opportunities to get involved .
4 He was the man on the Flamingo , the one who had explained to her why so many ships lay at anchor .
5 It amazes me how so many Liverpool people seem to think that by being born here ( which none of us have any control over ) people who ‘ get on ’ should be obligated to Liverpool for ever more .
6 I think it is often worthwhile to stick with a basic idea and develop it in as many ways as possible .
7 So we put it into this pot and we invest it in as many funds and spread the money out , so if , if one fund does n't produce very much in return , another fund will , and so we in fact , get a better spread throughout the market , than you could do as an individual .
8 Farr-Jones is n't saying it in as many words , but he clearly feels that some of the doors opened by the World Cup triumph were not marched through quickly or expertly enough .
9 We both knew what the other one meant but we never said it in so many words .
10 Zuwaya had a deterrent theory of peace , and stated it in so many words .
11 And , if taxed by such as Sylvester , he probably would not now admit it in so many words .
12 Though neither Reagan nor any of his aides has formulated it in so many words , I think that the failure of standard economic remedies has created a kind of desperation , and , like a jilted lover , the administration is ready to take up with any attractive candidate .
13 Not that she could explain it in so many words , but Katherine had long since stopped trying to win her mother 's love .
14 He did n't say it in so many words , but
15 Obviously very pleased with herself over this and Aggie 's reaction , she then brought it up so many times that Aggie was eventually forced to yell her into silence .
16 I had slept in the bedroom myself not so many years before , and in the first light of morning had got up to see what the village might have looked like before the traffic came and before the stone walls had been breached .
17 so I said well it cost us just so many weeks though , I 've put it in again , I 've , I 'm sending it back today in the hope that they will come up with a decision in the next week , cos usually once they 've got the information they 'll write back say within ten days yes or no
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