Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adj] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 An officer who was not himself thus inclined complained that his predecessor ( and friend ) had ‘ considered that the man in charge of the northern area of Masailand should place himself in an atmosphere of utter discomfort ; in short should become a wild man of the west and suffer privations of all kinds .
2 Moreover , just as Moore thought that freedom from the naturalistic fallacy made one more ready to recognize that there is a plurality of basically different sorts of good thing , so Ross thought that freedom from this wrong definition of right and duty in terms of good made one ready to recognize that there is a plurality of grounds of obligation , of which the obligation to produce good and reduce bad is just one , or rather two , for he thinks the duty to prevent bad a distinct , and usually more stringent , duty than to produce good .
3 Engineers should contribute effectively to risk management within their organisation by doing everything reasonably practicable to ensure that good practice is being followed .
4 Left under-equipped by the Martini , it had taken him too long to realise that copper vats were not now to be had ; that all the pottery stores had somehow been requisitioned ; that skilled men had been seduced away to serve elsewhere .
5 I was an utter martinette about his pronunciation ( he did n't know when I did n't know ) and would make him happily furious insisting that he repeat words over and over again until I was content .
6 That they were not prepared to countenance Maxse at his most radical confirms that those ends were indeed Conservative .
7 Is it wholly chimerical to hope that a newly elected Tory government with an unassailable majority might do its duty , however painful for itself , and take the first steps to reverse this pernicious evil and restore the tried and tested order of our ancestors by which only those fitted to rule have any right to elect the government of this country under the Crown ?
8 I think it only right to comment that the fact that it is , in a case such as the present , open to a taxpayer to stipulate , if he wishes , that the money shall be repaid if it is found not to be due in pending proceedings , provides another practical reason why a case such as the present is likely to occur only in very rare circumstances indeed .
9 She knew that he had been Eddie 's best friend — that was why she 'd always found it so hard to accept that he could have deliberately driven her brother off the track .
10 ‘ Why is it so hard to accept that I could feel all that too ? ’
11 One of the great difficulties is that many young people find it extremely difficult to admit that they have a problem .
12 Is it just naive to hope that a voluntary system will work ?
13 Thus is it not resonable to suppose that when we come to play the likes of Liverpool , Arsenal , Norwich and Man Utd that once again these teams will once again expose our defencies and we 'll be on the loosing end of the scoreline .
14 Taking one of William Rees-Mogg 's conclusions further , is it not logical to deduce that while ‘ Italy is the cradle of European civilisation ’ , Tuscany is right at the centre of it .
15 Furthermore , is it not rash to say that it is to be carried out only in the patients ' best interests ?
16 Is it not patronizing to assume that ordinary Omanis are not interested in affairs of state and to imply that all the peoples of Arabia prefer strong leaders to participatory democracy ( Country Profile NI 173 ) ?
17 Is it not reasonable to ask that these proposals be carried out in conjunction with the pedestrian scheme ?
18 However , if we acknowledge that family communications follow a pattern developed over time , and this can be usefully observed and adapted with younger families , is it not reasonable to assume that with older families too such a process could be helpful in some cases ?
19 Why is it not possible to suppose that the initial data from which we start to learn the language are less than solid , and that they stand to be revised , reassessed and maybe abandoned in the light of what happens later ?
20 I 'm most grateful to the honourable gentleman er of course these buildings are all related to the orders were discussing in order that M E Ps can be elected in the first place and is it not interesting to note that if agreement ca n't be reached as indeed is the position of the moment er in u what is called the European union over where actually the parliament is going to sit .
21 ‘ There has been much talk that Rangers have the title sewn up but we still have 58 points to play for and that makes it ludicrously premature to suggest that the destination of the title is cut and dried , ’ said Brady .
22 It was admitted that occasionally the good were afflicted too , and that in these cases God was probably testing their faith , or even possibly allowing them their purgatory on earth , but on the whole the Church found it more satisfactory to believe that madness was punitive and well-deserved .
23 Is not it more sensible to say that we have responsible people out there with whom we have developed partnerships ?
24 The excessive use of embargoes devalues the practice and makes it more difficult to ensure that the embargo is kept when it is really important .
25 But is it also realistic to assume that the West might tolerate it if Mr Gorbachev decided that the Romanian people , not unlike the people of Panama , deserve to enjoy democracy , and that the Soviet Union should send some of its military across the border to dispose of the Ceausescu family and their killer Securitas forces ?
26 Is it also true to say that their guess is often no better than your own ?
27 Is it strictly true to say that ‘ An act done before the giving of a promise to make a payment or to confer some benefit can sometimes be consideration for the promise ’ ?
28 The judge deemed it unconstitutionally restrictive to require that a person evaluate art by taking into consideration ‘ general standards of decency ’ .
29 Only — was it really reasonable to think that the rest of the world was in league against him ?
30 For instance , is it really important to realise that the ollie to nosepick above is on an exceptionally harsh bank in Nottingham ?
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