Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [conj] [v-ing] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Communication is not achieved by putting something that means — one thing to us in front of someone else and hoping that it means the same thing to that other person .
2 Each of these are covered in this leaflet as each may affect you personally when deciding whether to take the HIV antibody test .
3 And they 've got a lot more and they would have them up and running as well
4 Newcastle were one-nil up and rising when Blackburn posed their first threat of the afternoon , in the 41st minute .
5 Unlike DOS , Windows lets you get on with something else while sending or receiving a fax .
6 At giving the baby his last feed at ten and putting him down and hoping that he 'd stay asleep till well half past five to six the next morning .
7 I 'm a single parent , and I blame myself for the way he is — but I feel it 's too late to get through to him now as talking or reasoning does n't work .
8 They were not taking the hero for granted , but missing him madly and praying that he would be fit to return for the Davis Cup .
9 ‘ Do I detect a faint reservation in your attitude towards Doreen ? ’ she asked , watching him closely and wondering if he would confide in her .
10 I was bleeding from a laceration on my scalp and was so drunk that I had no recollection of what had happened ; a Sergeant quizzed me closely and seeing that I was incapable of speech , took me downstairs and put me into an ambulance .
11 Now that the shouting is over and the most homophobic piece of legislation for over a century is on the statute books , lesbians and gays are picking themselves up and asking if our involvement with local government was really worth the effort .
12 But she 's more organised than these lads you see , whatever the duties are you know , she 's got hers up and running and whereas they 're still a bit you know have n't got it going as well as she has .
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