Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adv] so [that] " in BNC.

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1 A thud of chopping — movement between the tree trunks — a labourer was coming towards him , one of the consignment of convicts he had ordered through a merchant in Bideford , he had his machete in his hand , he was not menacing , he held out his spare hand in a strange appeal , lifting his face , which was crossed by deep scars , wounds across his eyes had puckered them right in so that he moved like a blind sleeper , closer and closer — Sir John woke up sweating , surprised to find himself alone , and then remembered : he had been drinking with his cousin Alexander Menzies of Bolfracks , the last bottle must have sent him under .
2 He managed somehow to get under my skin , tangle me up inside so that I did n't know if I was coming or going .
3 This government is actually cutting back on everything here just so that the French farmers and the mafia can live in the manner to which they 've become accustomed , Douglas .
4 " Find them , " he told Desimir , " buy them for slaves , trick them or kidnap them , but bring them back somehow so that we can bury them under the great gate and build our city of Skadar . "
5 For this exercise you bend the elbows until your chin touches the floor , then shoot them out straight so that your upper body flies up and your hands leave the floor .
6 They 're giving them out beforehand so that , so
7 Find what is WRONG in these examples then write them out correctly so that you can work out the answers .
8 He arched her roughly forward so that her head was crushed against his stomach , her face just inches from his groin as he reached for the hands bound behind her back .
9 And then , when he had taunted her and tempted her until she was shaking with need , with easy strength he lifted her , and put her back down so that his throbbing masculinity was nestled inside the warm and inviting hollow of her body .
10 Then as his hand released her wrist and slid round against her back , drawing her even closer so that the warmth of him burned through her , something very strange suddenly happened inside her .
11 One of the somewhat older guy , he can orchestrate it so much so that he gets his gold out of it .
12 Oh I mean many of them were taken out of a book which had in the front price five and sixpence so a so I think that went very well and er I mean Jack was much encouraged by it so much so that he 's going to actually offer to do it for another organisation that he 's connected with
13 He lifted Gazzer 's head slightly and then rammed it down again so that the bar chopped into his neck .
14 Attach the arm inside the sarcophagus so that it looks as if it is coming out of the base , and bend it up slightly so that it looks as if it is pushing up the lid .
15 They set it up deliberately so that we force ourselves to do more than any three men could do , and naturally quite a lot of the time we ca n't manage it . ’
16 And then you just draw it out again so that someone could look at it and they could see the energy changes in front .
17 It 's always in a working capacity , but the difference being that we note down the results of our work , document it very carefully so that we can provide some kind of a lesson learnt for a future operation .
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