Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] each [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The BBC and I finally bade each other goodnight at 6.30 , with what seemed to be a good day 's work on the cassettes .
2 At any rate , Miss Gregory and I always eyed each other with open hostility .
3 Instead of using complicated measurements involving colour purity , resolution etc. to compare their performance I simply used each monitor for a day .
4 I then cut each strip into rectangular pieces , two feet by one .
5 She came to see him once , was shy and vague and noncommittal , later wrote to say it was best for them not to see each other again .
6 Though the rich legacy of an extensive black presence on this continent suggests that it may be possible for many commentators , the terms ‘ black ’ and ‘ European ’ remain categories which mutually exclude each other .
7 An audible groan rippled through the new Form Two , quelled at once by one of Miss Hardbroom 's piercing glances which always made each pupil feel that they had been noticed personally .
8 The marriage of Henry of Anjou to Eleanor and his accession , two years later , to the throne of England had brought together under a single sceptre peoples and provinces which hardly knew each other .
9 The Edfu inscriptions and scenes are a religious drama , which as acted each year outside the temple by its staff , who played the roles and chorus before a crowd of spectators .
10 A system of symbols which consistently represent each phoneme of a language with the same symbol .
11 Just as can happen in families sometimes , the relationships between individuals in an enterprise are organized around fear of aggression from strangers , i.e. , comparing companies , which then makes each person submit to the authority of his supervisor .
12 It is this influence of the mind which ultimately gives each animal its unique view of the world .
13 Once the correct order of probes has been established it is easy to fit the clones to this probe order , using an algorithm which essentially places each clone on that section of the probe order where it has the highest density of positives .
14 Small meetings , regular get-togethers of people who mostly know each other , are not so much my concern here , because they will probably run to an agreed format and be fairly self-contained .
15 No , I do n't like that , mm so you obviously help each other
16 The living room ceiling was hung with bunting , the kitchen smelt of roast turkey , the house was full of people who all knew each other intimately , the videos had been ordered and the sideboard was laden with drink and in fact everyone behaved just like it was a real family Christmas , except that Boy had sex with two other men in the bathroom , and they did n't even bother to lock the door because they knew that no one else there would mind , knew that they did n't have to hide what they were doing from the rest of the party .
17 Like tonight , faced with the ordeal of going to a grand dinner party with people who all knew each other and were far removed from her experience , she had acquitted herself proudly and well .
18 Typically they are geographically mobile , living relatively far away from kin , work and friends ; they separate work from leisure and do not always socialise with the same group of people who all know each other .
19 You just follow each set of instructions in turn .
20 Would the two who already knew each other be together ?
21 Can you still justify each figure ?
22 If children witness a quarrel , but then see that you still love each other , they will realise that a row is not the end of the world and will learn that it 's all right to fight — as long as we make up later .
23 Yet Richard , who always put each section of his life , when it was finished with , quietly behind him , and liked to be able to give a rational explanation for everything , could not account for this , his attachment to Lord Jim .
24 There was n't room for two good friends , let alone people who hardly knew each other , to work at the same time .
25 The Whitbread is a long race full of hardships , so it is unlikely that people who hardly knew each other would not have disputes and in the end form friendships .
26 ‘ Have you ever followed each step of a proof , and yet felt you did not understand what it was about ? ’
27 ‘ Do you ever surprise each other ? ’
28 ‘ In fact , you probably deserve each other . ’
29 The data on the nine subjects who correctly identified each insulin were analysed separately but the results were not different from those of the whole group .
30 So to lighten our load and ensure that your answer is passed on quickly would you please put each response in a separate envelope with the name of the reader it is addressed to on the front .
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