Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] up [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The process of scientific research is therefore a continuous one , and seen in this light sociology accumulates its findings and brings them together to build up its generalizations and , if possible , laws of social behaviour .
2 I instinctively put up my arms and caught him . ’
3 I rarely lined up anything with him .
4 I finally made up my mind when you named the boy after me , ’ said Hilbert .
5 When the autumn came , and I finally packed up my car and made ready to leave Cliff Top , she came over unexpectedly emotional .
6 And I still fold up my paper bags .
7 I usually picked up my money on Friday evening so I was running a little short .
8 I clearly got up his nose when I asked him about a report which disputed his status as a big box-office draw , ’ says Barry .
9 He is a famous writer , so I also tear up his manuscripts and books .
10 ‘ It 's that Midwestern winter as does it ; I was there in February once I nearly turned up my toes then except they 'd have snapped off … still it 's nice to have a banker dying early . ’
11 I now looked up what I had been prescribed :
12 May I now tear up my copy ?
13 I almost ran up their exhaust pipe as they turned right off Plumstead Road down the side of a school and into the back streets .
14 I was watching someone else picking up his post , a nice-looking man with a stoop , and he was reading his letters and he came to one where he cried bitterly .
15 I privately made up my mind to do away with that sort of thing when we took over ; such things should not be allowed .
16 I completely buggered up my dinner !
17 I never make up my mind until about
18 How could we use this what are the benefits of doing this or the disadvantages of doing this so that you 've got people within the group who could as a plant and know what to do with those ideas he comes up with them or she comes up with them do n't know what to do with them just comes up it 's up to the rest of the group and monitor evaluate you know the person that 's always putting things that never work .
19 I went to the doctor on the Saturday and he said it was gastroenteritis and prescribed tablets for me for it and told me just to keep up my fluids so I did n't get dehydrated .
20 He had a weak head for liquor which always roused up his deep , if sentimental , religious feelings .
21 Graham immediately felt a tingling sensation in his hand which quickly spread up his arm and into his chest .
22 Eduard 's gentle insistence that we try a few gems from the cellars of Veuve Cliquot roughly translated into six bottles which rapidly topped up our reservoirs of ‘ entente cordiale . ’
23 There can be no progress while for sheep there are headage payments which simply prop up our less efficient competitors in mainland Europe .
24 Not that it would have made any difference because I mean , people used to go into shops on that side , which never came up our way and the same with us , coming up there and not going that way is n't it .
25 Since it took so long for Dobson finally to take over in Macclesfield , it may be either that he returned to Stockport as Master from some period or that the Goldsmiths forgot that they had appointed Escolmbe , or that Escolmbe himself never took up his duties .
26 Yeah and it causes me more washing up which I 've only just finished .
27 Right so this this you made here when you you suddenly went up one instead of going up by two , so check the scale now .
28 so you only pick up your gain and drop your gain back
29 Then she suddenly made up her mind .
30 Shall we who timidly built up our seclusion
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