Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] to her " in BNC.

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1 I just said to her , ‘ You throw away what you do n't like , I do n't care ’ .
2 And I just said to her , ‘ Fine — because do n't forget who paid for the reception ’ . ’
3 I just said to her , you know , just tell them
4 I sa , I said I just went I just said to her look Hannah you do n't have to come in the car !
5 Right , and I just said to her , we will know the outcome of it wo n't we ?
6 You know she said I just said to her oh how 's Jimmy sort of thing and she said he 's alright .
7 No , I do n't want to do that I just said to her , I said you know , you can sort of erm ask Brenda she said I 'm doing that I 'm not on christmas day , would you ?
8 She said , about next door , cos I just said to her it 's private it 's been bought .
9 Christ you had a tight shirt on last night , and that 's how I do , that 's how I just say to her .
10 Elizabeth 's friend Maud must have said something of this sort , for I find I once wrote to her : ‘ Maud was right , I think .
11 Not that there was any real danger of his ever mattering to her .
12 I also talked to her .
13 Cos Rita swears she 's been , I mean I was out with her once and we went in for a coffee and we finished , right , and we 're ready to go and I nearly said to her I hate it after you 've finished and Jackie lights up and then I have to sit there while she has a fag
14 I immediately explained to her what my arrangement with Charlie had been , and that at least brought a smile to her face .
15 I then explained to her about the attack on Toby .
16 We kissed goodnight , and I again apologised to her for the fright she had .
17 Yeah , yeah that 's right , but I mean just go and have a look , and I actually said to her well you 'd be better with somebody else , you know , not going in there on your own
18 I never listened to her so I did n't notice she was n't with me , ’ he said .
19 And I never speak to her .
20 But I never talked to her .
21 And we had to laugh , he said , well can you be ill a bit longer because he , er , he cooked her something to eat and he feeds her and so when I rang up I never got her on th , I never spoke to her for a week !
22 They had returned noisily to life after the journey , consoled by spreading the contents of their suitcases , which always looked to her like carefully collected rubbish , old dresses bought from barrows , ratty bits of fur , crumpled and disorderly history notes , about their new quarters .
23 It was shortly after this that her mother approached her and in a voice that she rarely used to her , she said , ‘ Agnes , I …
24 Although sometimes Mrs Parvis talked about Dot , she rarely spoke to her , except to scold or reprimand , whereas Mrs Hollidaye went on talking cheerfully to Loopy Lil and to Dot even though neither replied .
25 If Eva had any regrets it was that her mother had never been able to put in words just how much she obviously meant to her , and that there had not been more time to spend with her parents over the years .
26 Over the years she had become a stranger to us , her sisters tending to avoid her ; all but my mother , who still wrote to her at Christmas-time .
27 Did you ever talk to her in the way she wanted ?
28 ‘ Did n't any of you ever talk to her ? ’ demanded Zeinab .
29 Have you ever spoken to her about the problem ? ’
30 During her three days working in the Toronto Skydome she made friends with an athlete who now writes to her in Chinese .
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